Chp.21 Crawford

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We then left where the kids and Lee has found a boat in a garage the whole time...and Kenny happy to hear it...while Kenny checks up on the boat, Lee has brought a friend to the group, Vernon...

He's a doctor, Lee found him hiding under the sewers where he hides at a nuclear shelter with other people with him, he's nd the others are cancer patients, Vernon checked up on Omid and to come back

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He's a doctor, Lee found him hiding under the sewers where he hides at a nuclear shelter with other people with him, he's nd the others are cancer patients, Vernon checked up on Omid and to come back...

Lee: How is he Vernon?

Vernon: As well to be unexpected with the circumstances, I did what I could, cleaned the wound, but seems pretty infected, having a fever.

Molly: Damn it.

Christa: Why are you still here??

Molly: Well obviously if your friend out there can get that boat fix, y'all can giving me a ride on the boat for payment by saving your asses, fair enough donr you?

Kenny then comes in...with a sigh..

Kenny: Alright, want the good news, or bad news?

Lee: Let's get the bad news out of the way first.

Kenny: Bad news, she's not taken us anywhere in the shape she's in right now. Gas tank empty, and battery dead.

Christa: And the good news?

Kenny: That's it, that's all she needs. Some gas and battery, other than that she's good to go.

Christa: And how are we suppose to get that stuff?

Lee: What if we go out the street and see if we can find anything.

Molly: Not gonna work, Crawford took everything and brought it inside their walls. They siphoned every gas tanks, engines, batteries. There's nothing.

Lee: ...What about Crawford then?

Christa: Yeah, you guys told me they have all those things, maybe we can search there.

Vernon: ...Now hold on a minute.

Christa: Surely we can try, I mean what harm will it do to ask for couple of supplies?

Vernon: Trust me, you don't know these people, show up with welcome arms, and welcome the kids aboard, they won't take kind of it and just take care of them bad.

Christa: The hell kind of place we're talking?!

Molly: The worst kind, but I don't see how that's gonna work though

Kenny: And how exactly we do this? Cause what I heard, that place ain't friendly with outsiders..

Lee: There's gotta be somewhere we can sneak in undetected.

Vernon: ...There might actually be a way, I know the sewer system that runs beneath Crawford like the back of my hand. Y'all would have a map on y'all?

Lee: I do.

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