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As we left off...Lee woke up from his nap..and to see Clementine missing...

Lee: Clementine??

Lee stood up, and sees (YN) sleeping still, and wakes him up...

Lee: (YN)..! (YN)!

(YN): H-Hm?? *yawns* Hey Lee, is Clem-

He too notices her gone..

(YN): Wh-Wheres Clementine??

Lee: ...I don't know

(YN): What??! Clem!!? Clementine!! Are you here?!

Lee: Clementine!!

The two exited the room, and to began roaming all over the house, and yet she made not to be seen...

(YN): Wh-Where could she be?!?

Lee: Calm down (YN)-

(YN): Calm down?! Lee, she's missing! O-Oh no, she...she probably ran off to that guy on the radio! I told her not to!

Lee: Hey now! Listen, calm down...look, keep searching downstairs, and I'll see outside.

(YN): O-Okay then.

With (YN) looking for her in the house still, Lee leaves the house and checks the where to be seen still..
But..what he found was her hat on the floor, he picks it up..and to hear a static near the fence...he looks over, and hears it behind the trash can...he climbs over and to follow the static sound, thinking she might be behind the trash he does, he grabs the walkie talkie...
And suddenly a Walker appeared out behind a cardboard, and yet to strike at Lee...Lee push him to the ground and brutally stomps its head, killing it...
As he did, he felt a sting on his left wrist...and he sees a mark...a bite mark...the Walker bit Lee, as Lee then is now infected...and soon to become a Walker..

Lee: N-No..No...oh no...fuck...! Fuck..!!

Christa: Lee??

(YN): Lee?? Are you out here??

Lee notices (YN) and the others approaching to him behind...

Kenny: Lee? The hell you're doing out here, it ain't safe pal.

Omid: Lee (YN)'s panicking and says Clementine is missing, what's going on??

Kenny: Vernon ain't here either, so what's going on??

Lee: ...

Lee turns around...and to them show them his bite mark...

Christa: O-Oh my god...

Kenny: What?! No, No! No fucking way!!

(YN): ..N-No...No! No, NO!! I-It's just a scratch! Yeah, a scratch! L-Lee, come on tell me!

Lee: (YN)...

(YN): ...don't tell me-

Lee: ...I'm sorry son.

(YN): ...No.

Kenny: N-No way...No! God damn it no!!

Lee: There's no time to worry about me, Clementine is gone.

Omid: You don't think she wonder off alone??

(YN): No! She isn't like that!

Kenny: Then who the hell took her?!

Lee: I don't know...but last night Vernon offered me a deal, to take her and (YN) with them, that they be better off without me.

(YN): What??! And you-

S1 Clementine x Male Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now