Twenty - 6

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"It's a new year 2-a and we have a new student Bella." Aizawa announced with no enthusiasm like usual.

She was gorgeous: she had silky blonde hair, naturally curled eyelashes, perfect face and perfect body.

She was gorgeous: she had silky blonde hair, naturally curled eyelashes, perfect face and perfect body

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"Can he be my tour guide?" She giggled pointing at bakugou, which made my stomach and face drop.

Mina who sat next to me, looked at my concernedly and I simply shook my head trying to reassure her I was okay.

Which I definitely wasn't.

"Do I have to? I don't want to your extras!" He grumbled, him being his usual self. Aizawa sighed not wanting to deal with his temper.

"Please... it's just for a day." She initiated not really giving him a choice and Bakugou just scowled giving in.

The class went on but it felt like what seemed forever. The new girl got all the attention, okay cool. Not my business.


Why did she feel the need to constantly be rubbing up and touching all over Bakugou.

I slammed my head on the desk making a louder Bang than anticipated. "Bitch Boy come over here." I mumbled.

He dryly chuckled, and I turned my head to see him move his chair and sit next to me. He had an overly big grin on his face.

He poked my head whilst whispering these few words; "Y/n you are acting blatantly jealous~" lingering on the word jealous.

My head shot up and I gave him a dirty side eye which would slaughter if looks could kill. "Absolutely not." I clapped back.

His obnoxiously big grin turned into a smirk. He playfully replied, "Whatever you say I'll be over there."

He said getting up and placing himself right besides the new girl. I shook the ache in my heart off.

Mina looked at me in both disbelief and amusement; "I never would've thought I'd see the day you get jealous girl-"


Before I could argue my case the bell rang. I sighed and walked over to Shoto asking him. "Err you training today or-?"

He nodded and my face brightened up since I really wanted to let loose some pent up anger I didn't even know I had.

"So I'll meet you at the gym?" I spoke and he hummed as of a reply.

We both parted from each other and I decided to head to the girls changing rooms. Well- that was before I got I distracted by gossip .

"The new girl looks good with Bakugou-"

"Bakugou is definitely into her!"

"Wait isn't he with that Y/N chick?"

Their gossiping stopped immediately when they noticed my presence. I just decided to ignore it and continue to the changing rooms.

I finally got to the changing rooms and my eyes widened as I saw Bella. "OH MY GOSH HEY!" She squealed as she waved at me.

I awkwardly waved at her, low-key brushing her off. "What brings you here..." I stupidly asked knowing I didn't care for the answer.

"I'm sparring with Baku!" she enthusiastically told me. My face dropped and my heart completely sank.

"Oh. Have fun with that!" I smiled as I got changed. I was trying not to be horrible since I was probably overreacting.

We both headed to the changing rooms and Bakugou and Todoroki looked like they were arguing about something.

But what difference does that make? They're always arguing about something, even the littlest things.

She skipped over to Bakugou and linked arms with him, he gave no reaction but I also noticed that Bella also went to reach for something.



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