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"Wake up."

I nuzzled Bakugou. He chuckled, "I woke up not long ago but this is nice." He boldly said which caught me off guard.

I shoved his head off me then getting up ready to get off of the coach, "Boy bye." I just said in reply.

Everyone had finally gotten off the coach and into U.S.J but everything was quiet. A bit too quiet...

I looked at Aizawa and I could see on his face that he felt as if something was off to. And we were right.

Thick black smoke morphed from the middle. "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK IIDA TRY GET HELP!" Aizawa yelled.

The class was terrified - it hadn't even been a week and we were under attack by actual villains.

Aizawa charged at the main villains whilst he left us 1-A to fight and defeat the accomplices in groups.

I don't know how but I ended up with Todoroki and Bakugou. I slithered my arm round Todoroki making him furrow his eyebrows,

"Thank you." I smiled and he simply shrugged before getting into fighting stance. Bakugou scowled before charging at the Enemy's.

I activated my quirk sending ice at any long ranged enemy's and used fire to burn the close ranged ones.

As we were fighting I heard gunshots being used. I turned to see the Pro Hero; Snipe, shooting at the crusty blue haired villain.

'Nigga had a glock and you couldn't kill him-' I thought to myself getting low-key distracted from my own battle.

I felt a fist meet with my face, causing me to fly backwards whilst my mouth bled. "Y/N!" Bakugou and Todoroki yelled.

I wiped the blood from my mouth off with my arm. I cracked my knuckles looking at the villain with psychotic eyes which made him shiver.

"This one's mine." I said looking at Todoroki and Bakugou who looked shocked at my change of mood.

I charged at the Enemy and right-house kicked them in the stomach sending them flying back into a wall.

The villains head bled due to the harsh contact with the wall. Their head now streamed all down their face making the two boys shiver.

. My fists (which were clenched) started to heat up with fire before I felt my waist being firmly grabbed causing my eyes to shoot wide open in shock.

I turned around only to see Bakugou, I instantly pulled my self away from him. "It's not worth it they're down." Bakugou said.

I simply kissed my teeth before I heard a loud painful scream, "AHHH!" I whipped my head to see Aizawa's head being brutally dealt with.

I simply kissed my teeth before I heard a loud painful scream, "AHHH!" I whipped my head to see Aizawa's head being brutally dealt with

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

A/N: if dying why hot?

Without thinking I ran as I fast as I could over to Aizawa, and so did Deku. We both kicked the Nomu off of Aizawa at the same time.

I turned to my left to see a hand about to touch my face. Luckily, I activated my quirk in time cancelling out theirs so they didn't kill me.

The blue haired guy faced flushed as he smiled creepily at me. I jumped back keeping distance from the villain.

"ARE YOU OKAY Y/N?" Deku asked as he punched Shiggaraki in the face knocking him back a few steps.

I looked at Deku and nodded. We were fighting for a good minute before All Might barged in. He yelled his iconic words of encouragement,


I sighed out of relief; I got into fighting stance ready to help but my legs gave up on me and I ended up collapsing.

'I hope... they win.'



Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
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