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"EAT UP EXTRAS!" Bakugou yelled whilst plating all of our food

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"EAT UP EXTRAS!" Bakugou yelled whilst plating all of our food. "Nigha don't ever shut up-" I groaned laying my head in Sero's lap.

He had made stir fry and let me tell you... I was eating that shid up. "Baku bro this manly!" Kirishima complimented fist bumping Bakugou.

"Another plate." I innocently grinned lifting the bowl to Bakugou's face. He glared at me, "Do I look like a slave to you?"

"Yes." I whispered chuckling but his eyes widened which meant he heard. "Go fill it up yourself dumbass." He cursed - eating his own

I snatched Bakugou's bowl and started eating from his. "DAMN YOU-" he started before he saw my threatening glare.

Bakugou let out a 'tch' before leaving to refill my bowl. I turned to Mina and Denki who were pretending to kiss each other.

I rolled my eyes, "gross." Don't get me Bakugou is an extremely good looking boy but the attitude/personality ain't for me.

"You literally just had an indirect kiss-" Mina said throwing her hands up. I gave her the stank eye which said 'what am I 8years old?'

"Es una chica guapa y bakugou es un chico guapo no homo así que serían lindos!" Sero enthusiastically spoke.

Translation: She is a pretty girl and bakugou is a handsome guy no homo so they would be cute

I got off of Sero's lap and instead flipped him off whilst saying "Vete a la mierda." His eyes widened and he slightly blushed.

"You know how to speak Spanish?" He insinuated shocked. I hummed as a reply and he still looked shocked.

I noticed Bakugou coming over so I glared at everyone but Kirishima, because Kirishima is our favourite manly boy.

Bakugou bent slightly down as he passed on the place to me. "Thank you!" I exclaimed as my hands brushed over his own.

He scratched the back of his neck shrugging, "It's nothing." I looked at him shocked about how humble he was actually being.

When I tell you time flew- it flew. Maybe because Mina was being jokingly flirtatious with Denki the whole time.

Or maybe it was because I devoured that second bowl of stir fry too quickly. Anyways, me being the observant queen I am...

I noticed Kirishima staring a bit too hard when Mina and Denki were getting close. 'And Mina wanted to ship me.' I thought amusedly.


The bell rang for the last time insinuating we had to go home. Before I headed out, I smirked before whispering into Kirishima's ear;

"I support you and Mina!"

Instantly his eyes widened and his face burned a darker red, redder than his hair.

Look at everyone being smitten from the get go

"Or denki- I don't know what you're into!" I teased, quickly running out of the lounge-room before Kirishima could Chase me out.



I yelled as I left the school block. If I'm being honest today wasn't such a bad school day, I hope it like this always.

𝗠𝗬 𝗡𝗨𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥. 𝟭 | 𝗞𝗔𝗧𝗦𝗨𝗞𝗜 𝗕𝗔𝗞𝗨𝗚𝗢𝗨Where stories live. Discover now