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Back with a building that was like touching the clouds, I felt longing, this was the office where I was looking for a life. With a stern look me and Justin headed for the department room belonging to our team, as all the members said they had put prisoners in the cell in the room. 

As I previously guessed, I'm sure Justin wasn't a patient person to wait for all circumstances to be conducive. With emotion he opened the door of the room and walked towards the cell where Maria was. I could see, how Justin yelled by pointing at the woman's seemingly weary face. The very hot afternoon is getting hotter and hotter with the feud between the two parties. 

But since I couldn't bear it, I finally tried to restrain Justin from doing the missed thing. "Stop, talk about it carefully. Please calm yourself down." I said this while withdrawing his hand to move away from the detention cell, because this fairly young man had already brought up his demonic side and it was dangerous for everyone especially Maria. 

"Let go of your hand!" after he saying that, I quickly removed my hand, then he sat on one of the chairs keeping a deep eye at the irons that locked someone in it. 

"Have you guys prepared some evidence and also data from that woman?" asked Justin to his colleagues. I can only listen and see how ambitious he is.

"Yes, sir, I have printed out the dossier." The person replied while his hands were busy taking out a few pieces of white paper that were so thick. 

Actually, I was amazed by the people who were in charge of looking for someone's personal data. How could they not, they will definitely have a hard time looking for it sometimes but in the end they will more or less get it. 

With his hand holding the dossier, Justin asked me as well as his partner to take Maria to a room that would be dim with one-way glass stretched out and it was certain that behind the glass there would be people watching and listening to our conversation. Yes, that's what the interrogation space is like. 

Sitting face to face with Justin and also next to me was already sitting restlessly Maria. For this time, I did let Justin be the dominant because I couldn't possibly do it, especially now that I'm here for being a witness. For a while I turned my head towards the glass but as the facts were, I couldn't see anything out there. 

"Well I'll get started. So here Maria is temporarily designated as a suspect and Miss Collen, is present to be a witness. So, I asked Miss Collen to tell her the series of events in detail." 

"Well, I'll start explaining with what I saw. So this morning I was going to the back garden of the house more precisely I wanted to sit on the swing close to the lake, but before I got there from a distance I could see the perpetrator and the victim talking, then from there I chose to hide behind a pillar, until unexpectedly everything just happened. The perpetrator stabbed a knife several times in the body of the victim and then dragged it to be washed away inside the lake so calm. I thought I could only get this thing across here."

"What about you? Do you still want to deny it?" 

"Can I go back to say something?" I asked, because I forgot some things that might change people's perspectives on the perpetrator. 

"No, let this woman speak first. So, you have something to say?" exhaled heavily, I should be able to control my emotions. 

But for a few minutes only silence answered, Maria chose to be silent and I could see Justin starting to get upset that he wasn't trying to refute or even admit his deeds. 

"Let me add some points? I'm okay to talk, can't I?" 

A snort came out of this man before me and afterwards he allowed me to speak. I was a little hopeful that the woman would be willing to tell the truth. 

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