Chapter Seventeen: Meeting Zoella

Start from the beginning

Zoe smiled; I did wish I had more confidence in front of the camera. Sometimes I had to reshoot like two times because one take my voice doesn't pick up on the microphone and then the second take I glance to the side a lot and don't keep eye contact with my viewers.

"It took me a while to get confident, I take deep breaths before I turn on the camera and rehearse what I intend to say so that it comes across natural and not forced."

I nodded and got out of the car. I had no idea where we were going since Brighton was kind of a mystery to me, it wasn't like I saw much when I was running away from Chris. I followed Zoe out of the car park and into the busy Brighton streets.

"We're going to start in The Lanes because it's got lots of little quirky shops I think you'll like. Then we're getting tea at my favourite place called 'That Little Teashop In The Lanes' and then we'll see where the rest of the day takes us."

"Damn you're organised Zoe."

She laughed and flipped her hair over her shoulder, I remembered her vlog where she had it cut and some of the fans were a little unsure whether or not they liked it short or long. If Zoe wanted to change her hair then the fans should be cool with it, I hoped mine would if I ever got mine cut or dyed like I intended to.

"What's on your mind Rachel?"

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Zoe call my name, I shrugged my shoulders.

"I was thinking of dying me hair but I don't exactly know what colour to go."

"How about mahogany?"

I stopped walking and Zoe soon noticed when she realised I wasn't standing next to her and she was talking to herself.

"Do you think I could pull off mahogany Zoe?"

She nodded her eyes suddenly wide as if an idea had formed in her head.

"You could get it dyed here; I'll take you to my hairdressers. Imagine Chris's surprise. Take a chance."

I shook my head; I couldn't just make the decision to change my hair colour without thinking it over. Then again I was one of those people that when given time to think was quick to shoot down any decision. Was Zoe right and I should take a chance? I'd love to see Chris's and the guys faces later.

"Alright, you win Zoe. Take me to your leader."

Zoe rolled her eyes and grabbed hold of my arm and began pulling me through the crowd faster. She was a girl on a mission and I'd have hated to be the sorry person to get in her way because I had a feeling she'd trample you.


I can't believe I talked Rachel into getting her hair dyed. When Joe had mentioned bumping into her I was curious and checked out her channel, she had some really good videos and deserved a lot more attention. Joe also told me her situation with Chris and a girl called Amber and I knew I had to give the girl some much needed girl time. I was surprised at first when she accepted but once I got to know her I knew that I'd made a new best friend and vice versa.

I discovered a lot about Rachel, the main thing was that she didn't really have that many girlfriends because she was more tomboyish but I vowed to change that. Rachel joked that it would be impossible but once I put my mind to something then I got it done. I was checking my emails when my hair stylist called me over, they were blow drying Rachel's hair and had covered the mirror so she couldn't see the finished look.

My mouth dropped open; the dark mahogany suited her perfectly. I'd also talked her into get some much needed layers to give her hair more life but she'd drawn the line at getting a manicure and facial. Apparently she wasn't ready to be that girly yet, but I would change that if I got the chance.

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