51 - ERROR - The Mumbling of Worms V

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Kadin listened for Neris's breathing to adapt a rhythm before rising from his seat. A feeling of dread trickled across his every bone as he looked at the naked Delvori woman, his dark desires bated by the fear that gripped his chest.

The terror had started earlier the day before as he drowned his sorrows in mead and wine from Nerin's private stash. Though he had enjoyed Neris's teasing and murderous kink, he was angry with how she had used him. He had been scheming how he would get back at her. Yet with every new venue, he realized he would either earn Nerin's increased wrath or make it harder to weasel himself a taste of the black woman's folds.

But the image of the nectar maiden, Thaimi, had been burned into his head, the look her empty green eyes had flashed him as she turned for the door, just glimpsing his retreating stare. His chest had tightened, and as he drank heavily, he felt those vacant emeralds staring at him from every dark corner. Then, without notice or warning, she had found him.

"Drinking away the mess you made at the hand of our dark-skinned sister, vivahr Kadin?" Thaimi's voice was like a discordant string singing to his innards as she approached him, her loose dress clinging to her frail-looking body. "Does it hurt your pride to know you've been out gamed?"

"Not as much knowing how I took your soiled, little . . ." Kadin hiccupped as he tried to catch his breath between words. His heart and body were heavy from too much drinking.

"The viper's tongue doesn't suit you, vivahr. Isn't honey better than venom when dealing with company?" the strange maiden said, laughing.

She raised her dress and propped her leg upon the wall near him. Leaving nothing to the imagination, she bared herself to him, using her hand to spread herself. The tempting imagery was odd but enough to shake his booze-laden nerves. The whole time his eyes wandered to and from her twat to her vacant eyes. Once or twice, he looked back to the bottle of mead in his hand before setting it down and pressing his back to the wall.

"I've already done plenty with your nethers, young lady," Kadin said, trying to play off the display, ignoring the hollow expression she wore as her lips curled into a smirk.

"Are you so sure?" the young woman asked as she fondled her bits.

Kadin ignored her, opening his eyes to stare out of the small storage room into the dim hallway of the great round room. Though swooning toward her intentions, he kept his mind clear.

"You don't look like you're done to me," she hissed.

The air from her lips wrapped around his neck as it passed out the door and into the night. His stomach itched, and his groin groaned. His left hand seemed to be asleep as he turned back toward her. With a burp, he cocked his eyes at her as she continued her sordid display. To his shock, his left arm began moving of its own accord and in the same general motion, mimicking her advances beneath his trousers.

"Like this?" Thaimi raised her gland-coated fingers to her lips, and, with a beleaguered mind, Kadin raised his own hand to his lips. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched her indulge in her moist fingertips. Holding back a shriek, his fingers pressed between his lips. Then he crumpled, drawing himself out of the daze, kicking himself away from the skeletal Hyunisti woman as she laughed at his disobedience. "Oh, my, my dear Kadin. I thought all mortals liked to be blissfully entreated so."

With a toothy grin, the girl bent down toward him, and within the dark, dilated pupils of her soulless stare, he saw them: thousands of glowing green embers staring back at him. Reflected in their menace was his own green eyes, eerie sparkles of ghost light welling within his sagging orbs.

"We thought we should give to you, just as you gave to us." Thaimi's voice seemed to be made up of the chattering of a hundred others. Drawing back, she let out a loud girlish laugh. His senses became acute, noticing how forced and mechanical each guttural utterance was. Overfilled with booze and fright, his bladder loosed itself upon the wooden floor. "We hope you clean yourself up, dear Kadin. We can't wait to see you again."

And then, just as she had appeared, she vanished.

Ever since that chance meeting, Kadin had felt the sensation that he was never alone. In the back of his mind chattering coupled with wraith-like imagery of that woman. Unable to stand the agony, he had continued to drink, keeping his mind abuzz to block out the voices and the mischief.

But as the night wound on, Kadin found himself sobering while helping Neris and Elis. As he sobered, the voices returned. He almost didn't make it back from the great tree as the manic calls and frantic cries tore at his psyche. They wanted him to throw himself at Neris. Others wanted him to kill both women. Others compelled him to spread their dread word as alluring thoughts of the previous night's orgy danced in his head. He had stolen a small vial of pure ether from Neris's alchemical stock. Biting through the burning and dryness, he drank it in sips. It was all he could do to dim the chorus.

Kadin knew he couldn't keep up forever. His body was revolting due to constant alcohol churning in his stomach. No matter how much water he drank to compensate, he felt as if he were drying from the inside out. With every passing moment of sobriety, the chattering in his skull grew louder.

As he walked over the bridge between the old healer's quarters and the great tree, the morning air swept through his pants and beneath his plain tunic. The orange light of dawn was creeping over the eastern forest, and for the first time in what seemed like ages, he looked at the woods in wonder. His jaded view of the world as he dealt with the Grannas to the south for the first time in centuries had been a useful tool. While dealing with Nerin, it had positioned him to take things he wanted without the dullard knowing. But he had forgotten so much of himself.

[We should go back for her . . .] A river of thoughts caressed his right lobe, sending visions of Neris's dark, fertile body splayed before him. Every position, every deed was laid within his grasp. [She wants you. She wants us. She'd never expect us.]

[Yes,] other voices whispered in agreement, mimicking Neris's midnight cries as memories of her passion and late-night lovers danced through his addled brain. Images he had seen while peeping through her cracked door, darkness and light dancing before him in the flashing candlelight. Spilled wine and forbidden pleasures offered to lover after lover, all in exchange for a small vow of love and lust.

As he shivered, the pale Hyunisti woman's features etched their way across his mindscape, her body once more exposed as she lapped the taint from her fingertips. Her lips moved, saying words that enticed him and drew him onward. He wanted to lay the dull little bitch low, just like he had done nights before.

[We thought we should give to you,] the voices whispered, causing him to laugh. He was indeed a terrible man and an awful brother to his village kin. [Just as you gave to us.]

Kadin knew if he stood there any longer, he wouldn't be able to keep from throwing himself at Neris or Elis or the next woman who passed by. He lusted for all of them, and they knew it. They knew him better than he had ever known himself.

[And they call it the Witchwood,] Kadin thought as he stared at the glow rising from the treetops. [If those poor Grannas bastards only knew. ]

Without even a breath, Kadin leaned over the ledge and cast himself down to the forest floor.

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