43 - Elis - Drunk on Love

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Elis lay on her back for several moments, her heart pounding. The night air danced across every inch of her exposed, gilded skin, gooseflesh percolating across her outstretched arms and chest. With deep breaths, she stared up through the shallow branches, looking at the stars and waning moon far above. Beside her, Davnian's breath mimicked her own as his heat warmed the drops of perspiration cradled between their naked bodies.

"Gods," Elis whispered.

Looking up at the twinkling lights spread across the black velvet of endless space, every nerve in her body tingled. Her nipples stung from the roughness, and her head was abuzz with dizzying romantic queries. For moments it had seemed like they were sharing each other's bodies. During others it felt like they had switched.

Elis closed her eyes, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. Like every spring, she heard dancing and laughter, sharp cries of promiscuity coupled with cheers and song. It was the one time of year that the people could find their voices and their feet, but this time it seemed that the whole forest was joining in. The entire wood was part of their party.

"That looks much better on you," Davnian said.

Turning her head, Elis looked at him as he smiled. His eyes were like snow as he caressed her hand within his. A tuft of her golden hair fell upon her chest.

"That smile. It's like the one you wear with her. Soft, gentle."

Davnian reached out and touched the corner of her grin with his claw. Elis laughed as he traced it down around her neck, the tip of his blackened fingers tickling her skin. As he ran his dark hand through her gilded locks, Elis leaned toward him. He curled over her, planting a warm kiss upon her lips.

"You smile like you always do," Elis whispered, nuzzling his chin, "but your eyes are softer than they used to be."

"Is that right?" Drawing her close, he nuzzled her red, speckled ears, his teeth nipping at the folds.

"Stop." Elis pushed him back and watched as he collapsed beside her, laughing. "You keep playing that game, and I won't be able to let you off without recompense, young man."

"Recompense?" Davnian mocked. "You make it sound like I'm indebted."

"You will be if you keep that up." Elis curled her right arm and leg around him, burying her head in his stiff brown hair. The alcohol was still nipping at her lips and head as she sighed. "I'm not in the mood," Elis teased, twirling his hair in her fingers.

"Good idea. You climb over me, and I might make you stay up there."

"Not a chance, young man." Elis sighed once more.

They were quiet for a bit beneath the stars, chuckling at the nonsense going through their heads as they danced their fingers upon each other's frames. The night was getting on, and though the partygoers continued their debauchery, she felt the darkness tugging at her. Time was spinning round and round, and her every nerve wanted to stay in that moment forever. Sleep called to her as the chill of the night was numbed by the warmth of Davnian beside her. But he needed to go, and she had two promises to keep come morning.

"The night is going long, isn't it?" Davnian asked, his claw clutching her right hand.

"It is," she replied as he drew her hand to his face and placed a warm kiss on her palm.

"There's someone who'd love to curl up with you." Davnian rubbed his cheek against her hand, taking a deep breath.

"I shouldn't keep her waiting much longer."

Melancholy worked across Elis's features, her ruby-haired ears slouching as she buried her head into Davnian's arm. Taking a deep breath, she inhaled the smells of his skin and hair, taking in the shared ardor brewed between them.

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