21 - Elis- Strangeness and Circumstance

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A few hours had passed since Elis had stormed out of the infirmary. With Rais in tow, she had headed home, ignoring well-wishers and greetings in a fit of passionate anger. Her heart raced, her skin prickling with redness from incredulity and heated anticipation. In her mind's eye, she had seen Neris hanging over him, nursing the man. Davnian was obedient, just as he had been with her, but such flagrant displays of affection were infuriating. At that moment, she had almost rushed to Neris, wanting to kiss her as much as slap her. Neris would do whatever her heart or mind willed. While Elis oft enjoyed playing the same bit, she could not when it came to him.

Throwing things together, she had talked in snippy soundbites to Rais, wearing down the floor as she dragged her feet and stomped in their shared living space. Visions of the progression in her absence played over in her head: from breasts and sucking, to teasing and rubbing, to screaming and fucking. Elis couldn't get the imagery out of her mind. Part of her wanted to grab her twistblade and end them in their lovers' embrace, while the other part wanted to run naked and leap upon the pyre with them. Not that any of that was occurring.

In fact, when they had returned, Elis was appalled to find Davnian by his lonesome as he slept on the hard wooden table. The smell of lemon balm lingered in the room, only a hint of Neris's scent trailing from the sleeper. Davnian had been lazy, hinted at as Elis spied the dry, powdery residue of satin nectar on his lips. Not that she expected someone who had just woken from a terrible ordeal to care much about his appearance.

"Is this alright?" Rais asked from behind her as she set up her dyes and paint projects. She had taken an interest in indigo and viridian as her colors of choice, picking some of the more exotic materials in Elis's small collection to work with. The little girl was as excited as ever, her spirits uplifted by the promise of a more fruitful visit with the stranger.

"They look fine," Elis replied, gesturing to a free table. "You can work over there if you need more room."

Trying not to be too caught up in her thoughts, Elis unpacked what she had brought in hopes of testing Davnian's palate and constitution. Neris's nectar seemed to settle his stomach, somewhat to Elis's chagrin. If solid food didn't work, Elis could follow the same course, though she had reservations at becoming so familiar.

"Need any help, my dear?" Elis asked as she spread out the last of her goods: bread, dried meat, nuts, fruit, berries, meal, seeds, and forest vegetables. Rais hummed beside her, singing to herself as she finished lining up the last of the vials and containers for her small asides.

"I'm good," the little girl said, her brown ears lifting with joy. "I hope we can talk this time."

"I'm sure we'll get a chance, dear," Elis said, pulling over a stool to take her place beside Davnian. "I'll introduce you when he wakes. Let's be quiet until then, my little one."

"Yes, zaisure," Rais said, making a quieting gesture to herself as she danced at the counter. "I'll be really quiet."

"Good girl."

Fixing her attention on the sleeping amnesiac, Elis's nerves settled. In her adolescent dreams, she had imagined having a suitable partner who could partake in her wanderlust and debauchery. Though she was not unfamiliar with jealousy. At times she had acted with intemperance, using her wiles and emotions to embitter and manipulate. Compared to the woman who had started Elis's own torturous machinations, Neris was a saint in the way she acted and shared in the joy of closeness. But then again, the woman who had crossed Elis was much more entwined in the fate of the young Davnian, whom she had decided would be hers alone.

For over a decade, Elis and her family had taken care of the child of Deldaron rin-Siscus, a proud knight and commander in the joint forces of the Ansuman States. Under her supervision, Davnian had been raised to be humble, stoic, open, and accepting of everything he saw. But then a purple-eyed, blazing-haired woman stormed in and claimed maternal custody. Her mother and father had been happy. Together, the two returned to the small wooden cottage in which the Renai family had first received the boy. But over time, the woman commandeered more and more of Davnian's time. In response, Elis had tempted him to break his promises and flaunted her youthful vigor.

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