16 - Neris - Care and Bemusement

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Neris had received word from one of the more scrupulous aides that Davnian had awoken from his slumber. Ignoring Kadin's gawking eyes and wry smile, she sent him away and closed the door to her room. Strutting around the wooden chamber, she was fixated on her next moves. She had little in her wardrobe that she considered appropriate: the provocative non-wear from her last days as a courtesan, a crimson blouse and pair of green pants she had been given by the Hyunisti, and the charred leather battle wear with a simple shirt and drawstring slacks. She had various side ornaments and replacements that she could add atop her garb and trade out for different shawls or wraps. At such moments she wished she had her brother's greed and lust to scavenge what remained in their fallen home before Nerin's hubris.

"Zaisure Neris?" a small, curious voice whispered from her doorway. Neris turned to see the small ward of her Renai lover clinging to Bedimer's weary frame. The man shot her a tired glance, motioning to the girl clutching his leg.

"Vindal Neris here will take good care of you, little one," the world-weary talvuo said to the girl. Looking up, he shot Neris a crooked grin as he ogled her exposed frame. "If you don't mind, ne vindal, I must needs depart. I lost a shift from last night and could use sleep before my rounds tonight. Happy hunting."

"Good day, gracious Bedimer." Neris wanted to hiss but left it at pleasantness. The last thing she wanted was to play mother or babysitter, though she could make time for Elis's child. Waving the man away, she looked at the girl and motioned to the door. "Close it, my dear."

"OK," the little girl said.

As she closed the door, Neris decided upon more modest attire for the day. A piece of her black silks wrapped to support herself beneath the crimson blouse. She'd tuck the shirt beneath her plain pants and leather leggings. Beneath them would be her black garters and hose. Overtop she'd draw down the remaining loose blouse with a broader piece of black silk tied in a sash across her waist. The outfit was simple but possessed the allure she wanted. With a few strings undone, her blouse could show a bit more skin and arouse temptation in her onlookers.

"My dear, can you go into that trunk there and fetch me the black silks? There are three long strips," Neris said, signaling to the little green-eyed girl with her extended pinky, ring, and middle fingers.

"OK, zaisure," the little girl said, running to the chest.

Neris grabbed her corset, jacket, and shirt from her bed and returned them to her wardrobe. As the little girl returned with the sashes, Neris pointed to the bed. "Stretch them out on that side, and let's have a look."

"Yes, zaisure."

Neris enjoyed listening to the girl's awkward honorifics, using words that she had learned from her mother versus the standard talvuo forms of greeting or address. Vindal and vivahr (sister and brother) were common throughout all the tribes. Other talvuo women during her more unfortunate years had used the same words, sometimes in earnest, other times hollow with despair or in jaded whispers.

"Let's start with the extra-thin one. It'll be perfect for the binding."

"Yes, zaisure Neris."

Sitting at the corner of her bed, Neris motioned for the child to draw behind her. She wore a crooked grin as the little girl's pale face flushed.

"I'm just a woman, dear, like you will become," Neris said as the girl climbed up behind her. "Now, I'm going to pass you the strap as I decide how I want it crossed in front. When I do, I want you to hold it snug, pulling back gently. Like this." She handed the girl the ends of the cloth. "Now, pull back snug." As the girl began pulling, Neris continued. "Tighter. Tighter. And . . . there, my dear. Don't be shy; you won't hurt me. Understand?"

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