23 - Neris - Spying and Intrigues

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Neris had half anticipated Nerin to be busy ploughing another young Hyunisti maiden, talking up Delvori luxuries and decadence. But to her benefit, the room had been clear of all but her brother's most treacherous lackey, the eagle-eyed Kadin. Despite what cleverness he feigned, Neris had discovered he was like any other deprived, servile man. His lusts ran deep, and so did his kinks. No doubt, she had spied him working over one of the drunk girls in a closet one evening, the poor, stumbling maiden dazed from whatever her brother had done to her. The things he would do to the girls were outrageous, but those same tastes would make him putty in her hands.

"Vindal Neris," Kadin said quietly, shifting from his perch in front of Nerin's vanity. Putting down a small leather-bound volume, he bowed to her. "To what do I owe the pleasure this afternoon?"

"Pleasantries as always, vivahr Kadin," Neris said, stepping into the large, circular room. Without shifting her eyes, she surveyed the room and plotted her next steps with care. "I see Nerin has left you to your own devices. To think you'd wait after the man in his bedchamber. Such loyalty is sure to be rewarded, eh, my dear?"

"Vivahr Nerin has come up with more ideas for the feast tomorrow and the ceremonies and festivities. The man is a well of enthusiasm for archaic practices," Kadin said while making a wide arc. He passed her front and moved to the left, positioning himself in the center of the room. As he spoke, Neris took several steps into the room, fingering her sash while keeping the talvuo in her sights. "As always, he leaves the chore of tidying and watching to me, ne vindal."

"So familiar, Kadin. Of course, I would expect nothing less of a man who spies on me through cracks late at night," Neris said nonchalantly as she eased next to the vanity and lifted a bottle from it. "Seems my brother has been indulging a bit much of late, though his used rags seem to be unable to quench your insatiable appetite."

"I beg you to speak softer, vindal. Your brother isn't known to be kind to his sister's lovers."

Neris shifted her gaze as she tipped her head back, downing a heavy draught of the leftover vintage. The flavor was stale but sufficient as she brought her gaze back down. The thin man eyed her, his fake grin twitching at her minor display. "So, what pleasantries have tempted you here today, ne vindal?"

"You know, my dear Kadin, I've been wondering. How long have you been haunting our halls now?" Neris asked, lowering the bottle as she walked toward him.

"For as long as you've resided in the great tree, vindal. Though we both know I've been at your side far longer." Kadin gestured to the space between them. "Your brother has kept busy since he arrived, and I've always had an interest in watching your art."

"My art?" Neris chuckled as she drew closer, bringing the bottle beside his face.

"The way you seduce, ne vindal. The way you ingratiate yourself to men and women and how they fawn over you in return. The way you open tender hearts and splay even more sensitive bodies with your enchanting touch."

"I'm flattered, vivahr Kadin," Neris said as he took the bottle from her hands. She grinned as he followed her lead, taking a hefty swig to match her own. Impulse would be his undoing. "Though there is something else I wish to ask."

"Yes, ne vindal?"

Neris rounded Kadin, her nimble fingers freeing her sash as she circled him. Drawing behind him, she unstrung the silk cloth. With both hands twisted the strand around the man's neck. With a gentle tug, she pulled him back toward her.

"How long have you dreamed of this moment, sweet Kadin?" Neris whispered as she stretched her crimson tongue out, licking the folds behind his brown, fuzzy ears. The man shivered as she teased. "Tell me, ne vivahr, have you ever felt the grace of a lover holding your breath, stroking you to release?"

"I can't say I have, ne vindal," Kadin said, gasping as she drew the silk back. Step by step, she pulled him with her, leading him into her lap as she sat upon Nerin's downed mattress. "I fear I've always been on the giving end."

"Perhaps your loyalty should be rewarded with a present then," she whispered, twisting the strap behind his neck. "Let us indulge, for receiving can be just as pleasant, ne vivahr."

With a firm grip, Neris yanked him back. As he grunted and squirmed in her lap, she leaned back. With one of his hands in her own, she brought his pale fingers to her face. Kadin turned his head as she beckoned him closer. Licking her coal lips, she tugged him close, letting his thin, pink mouth caress her own. She wrapped the other end of the cloth in front of him, bringing her hand down to his pudgy, swelling groin. As he moved his hand down toward hers, she abandoned the strap and led his arm behind him. Tilting herself back, she slipped his free hand between the leather and cloth of her legwear. As his skeletal digits fumbled around her loins, she reached her hand back around and slipped it into his trousers. Drawing his dripping prick free, she stroked it with her hand, leaning forward to plant a love bite upon the nape of his neck.

"Gods, vindal," Kadin stammered, his free hand clutching at her raven hair.

Pulling the binding around his neck even tighter, sadistic glee filled her as she watched his face redden. His breath was strained as her firm grip choked him, his body unable to resist her tilting motion. As he tried to lean back toward her, she planted her head against the back of his neck, nuzzling his pale skin. Over and over, she continued the game, feeling his body stiffen. As his head filled with blood, turning from a winded rose to grape red, she tightened her hold on his leash and his member. With wild abandon and lacking grace, his jutting fingers flicked and probed her body. Swelling her chest, she matched his frantic breathing.

"Vin . . . Neri . . . is . . ." Kadin's words tumbled out of his mouth as he began to shake.

Neris bit his ear, pumping her body toward his hungry fingers as she drew the cloth in both her hands, gripping it as tight as she could. In her right hand, his groin swelled With a grunt, her fingers were smeared with the smooth, wet coating of his seed. Gasping for breath, Kadin convulsed in her arms, his bony fingers clawing as his purple face tightened in an expression of ecstasy. Before another moment could pass, she pulled the silk to its limit. His body lurched at once as the last bit of blood and air was cut off. His frame shivered in shock. Undeterred, she held it in place. His body convulsed from pleasure and paralysis. Neris watched as a hint of realization crossed his beleaguered features. Kadin's fingertips dug into her flesh as he spasmed before falling limp in her arms.

Without a second to spare, she flung the body to her side, his sopping cock staining Nerin's sheets. Sparing no time, she wiped her hand off on Kadin's tunic. As one final touch, she picked up the discarded wine bottle and spilled it beside the incapacitated man, then tucked it neatly near his shrinking member.

"Enjoy your nap, vivahr Kadin," Neris whispered, taking a moment to tuck in her blouse and adjust her leggings. Her clit and folds were sore from the thin man's frantic rubbing and grinding nails. She would make sure Davnian paid a heavy price for her noble sacrifice.

Without another moment to spare, Neris began her search through her brother's belongings, looking for anything that might be of use to her disabled lover.

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