49. Correlation

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"Listen. It's nothing you need to concern yourself with. I know some guys... they're in the business of sending messages and dealing with these types of hunters. Those who go out looking for us." Kellan replies, not giving anything away. "It won't lead back to the gym, you or your buddy. Trust me. It's the best option here."

Jensen nods as he considers Kellan's words. He didn't know the details but he could read between the lines and guess what they could be in store. Looking back up at the men and then at Kellan, he gives him an affirmative nod. 

"Don't let it trace back to the gym."

"It won't. Consider it taken care of."

With those last words, Kellan walks away, pulling out his cell phone. Jensen watches him go, wondering what he just green-lit. Curious but knowing it would be better for him to stay out of it, Jensen finds comfort in knowing it was the best thing to do - And by all means what he had to do. With innocent people's lives and safety to consider, he didn't feel bad about his choice or uneasy about Kellan's plan. 

Those hunters would get what they came looking for. 



Getting out of his car, Dean walks up to the uniformed officer and pulls out his badge, showing it to him. With a nod, the officer raises the crime scene tape for Dean to duck under - Returning to his previous position as he keeps the crowd of onlookers away.

Spotting Calvin and Quinn inside the home, Dean heads over to them, his eyes taking in his surroundings as he moves. "Morning guys, what do we have?" He says to them as he stops at Calvin's side.

"Morning man," Calvin greets, "We have one body. Vince Dory. Found in his living room by his housekeeper. The state of the room and the bruising on his skin suggest he tried to fight off his attacker."

"Cause of death?" Dean asks.

"Don't know yet. None of his obvious injuries appear to be lethal. We'll have to wait for the autopsy." Quinn answers.

"And, of course. We have the signature 'X'." Calvin adds.

Nodding, Dean heaves a sigh, "Dealing with the same person or group."

"We looking for his fiancé, Lila Moore. According to the neighbor, he proposed two nights ago. She's been living with him for a month or so. Now she's in the wind." Quinn informs him.

"Ran or missing?" Dean questions.

"We can't be sure." Calvin replies the same time Quinn blurts out "Definitely ran!". The two turning to look at each other. 

"All her belongings are still in the house, her car is still in the garage, no money has been withdrawn. Her passport, ID, everything is here. Why are you certain she ran?" Calvin speaks first.

"It's not impossible Wilson. I'm sure you've come across cases like this!" Quinn scoffs.

"I have but this case is obviously different. The fact that there is a mark on the home linked with previous cases tells us that this is going to be more complex than it seems." Calvin argues.

Before Quinn could say anything further in their argument, Dean interrupts, placing his hand on Calvin's shoulder. "Let's head inside, and take a look around." He orders, walking away. Calvin follows him without complaint, heading into the living room as he heads up the stairs to the couple's bedroom. He could feel Quinn's presence behind him as he climbs the stairs, also getting the feeling that she wanted to say something to him.

Entering the room, Dean begins looking around for anything that could help move their case along, his gloved hands carefully opening chests and drawers. From the corner of his eye, he sees Quinn doing the same at the other corner of the room. As Dean moves to the small bookshelf, the spine of a photo album catches his attention. Taking the book, he begins to look through the pictures, stopping on one of the husband and a couple of friends. 

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