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Inazuma often had its weather changes; Mostly rain and thunder but mostly sun around this part of the region. Today was no different from many days as the day before a heavy rain fall had come during the night and now this morning the paths are covered in mud and the grass is still wet from the rain. Thoma had been cleaning the house that morning as he always does but when he finally is done and sets every cleaning supply aside he watches Ayaka and Ayato walk inside from training. Thoma his heart sank to the floor...so much work he had put into having the house clean before their return and now they would ruin the floor with the mud on their shoes... But to Thoma his surprise both of them took their shoes of and they walk to the table to get breakfast. Thoma remains quiet following his friends, his masters placing the plates on the table and on them is their breakfast that he had prepared for them. He wanted to leave so he can return to doing some more work but hearing somebody call out to him Thoma stops in his tracks but did not turn around yet awaiting a order as he simply stands ready to do anything the two would desire. "Thoma. Join us" Ayaka spoke with a smile onto her face. It was something so simple yet it rarely happened that Thoma would join them for breakfast as most of the time he had to bring the breakfast to Ayato his office as both siblings would eat alone in the mornings.

Thoma turns to look at her looking at the way she was smiling, it was hard to refuse but he can't refuse since she and Ayato are his masters after all. He is their servant, their housekeeper, their friend so it is natural he would do anything for them. The man obeys and sits down besides Ayato so he can look at Ayaka "did training go well?" He would ask pouring in some tea for them both but upon setting the teapot down he watches Ayaka pick it up and pour a cup for Thoma aswell so he will not be left out.

"It was fairly easy" she smiles but it somehow came of as teasing to her brother who remains silent.

Ayato calmly takes a sip from his tea before he turns to look at Thoma "she almost fell into the mud"

Thoma could not help but chuckle and shake his head smiling at them both "i know you two are training with one another but go easy on eachother. I do not want to clean both of your clothes that are covered in mud...especially you're clothes Ayato. All white. Would be a shame if they get dirty" the man smiles at the man sitting besides him who doesnt look at him anymore and instead looks at the plate of food.

The man was thinking of what to say but he gets a idea in his mind, wanting to see how Thoma would react to it "that would be a shame indeed. But i am sure you would clean my clothing nontheless no mather how much they are covered in mud...or whatever may come onto them?"

Thoma fell silent for a moment blushing a light pink feeling embarrassed that his work was being questioned "of course"


The silence fills the air as it felt dense and awkward in this moment. Ayaka noticed the tension so she just claps her hands together only once to get the attention "the weather is lovely after the rain. Why dont we go for a walk? Us three?" She suggests hoping that would lighten the air but seeing her brother get up and go to his work space makes her let out a deep sigh. Even though Ayato tried his best to spend time with his family and friends he always was working and barely had time for his friends or Ayaka anymore so it did upset her a little.

Thoma noticed how much it upset Ayaka so he stands up and lowers his head almost as a sign for her to excuse him. "I will speak to him" he spoke and from the inside of his jacket he takes out a flower he plucked that morning and tucks it behind her ear with a smile onto his face and even though Ayaka was not looking at him he knows she is smiling as each morning he would bring her a flower just to cheer her up. The man would walk to Ayato his work space and knocks on the door before he enters and closes the door behind him so Ayaka would not hear their conversation. "Ayato...she wants to spend time with you. You have been awfully distand to her recently, to me, to all of us. Shutting yourself out with work wont help anything" Thoma spoke calmly, almost silently not wanting to speak too loudly because he did not want to sound disrespectfull by raising his voice. Seeing he gets no reactions out of Ayato he lets out a soft huff and walks closer to him practically standing infront of him leaning against the desk with his arms crossed "come on ...lets go on that walk. Just this once. Your sister will like that"

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