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Two days later after everybody has gotten their attire ready for the wedding they all had gathered in the cathedral where the wedding would be given.
Everbody was there as even Kaeya and Diluc got along just for Thoma his sake yet when the wedding begun and both men are standing at the alter holding eachothers hands, ready to marry eachother there was a loud sound near the doors of the Cathedral.

Ayato and Thoma...well... the whole crowd turned their heads as a large group of fatui agents and interupted the wedding and they did it on purpose. One of the pyro agents who has a gun swiftly lifts it and shoots at Ayato yet Thoma out of reflex grabs Ayato close to him and uses his should to block the shot with his shield.
Once the shot is fired the civilians are obviously scared and made way for Diluc who already had pulled his claymore out yet before he even could lift it another shot was fire and this time around there is not shield to block him as he knows he will get hit but the red head watches somebody step infront of him to block the shot and it was Kaeya who protected Diluc almost falling down because of that shot he grips onto Diluc who to everybody surprise helps Kaeya stand up straight since he got shot in his back.

All of the people with visions came in action as even Ayaka had wanted to help but Ayato disagreed with that and keeps hold on Thoma remaining distant from the large fight "Ayaka! No-...come here..."

Ayaka rushes over to her brother and Thoma with furrowed brows "we have to help them! We cant just let them fight this off all on their own."

When Ayaka said that Thoma knows she is right so he lets go of Ayato and join the fight. Ayato wanted to stop Thoma yet seeing he cannot do so he quickly follows and joins the fight as in the end it turned into a pure bloodbath as after the fight Diluc and Kaeya are gone probably to take care of that wound, Jean is sitting with Lisa having gotten a cut on her shoulder so she applies pressure to it but it is nothing mayor. The nuns help the civilians out and to calm them down yet when the fight was over Thoma and Ayato both are covered in blood as their all white suits are ruined now.

Thoma looks around with his green eyes but seeing most of them are fine his eyes land on Itto who was holding Kuki in his arms and having tears stream down his face "n-no no hey come on wake up Kuki" he holds her protectively yet he was crying, shaking even.
Thoma goes over and hugs Itto from behind looking over his shoulder at the injury as Kuki got shot in her lower stomach.
"Hey you cant die...the gang needs you! I-..." after a long pause he finally finishes the sentence having his head hanging low "i need you" he spoke but he looks up at a girl crouching down as it is Barbara.

"Give her to me i can safe her" she spoke with a gentle tone of voice and Itto did not hesitate to give Kuki to Barbara wishing for her to be alright no mather what it would take.

Now Barbara is busy he would stand and turn around to hug Thoma and checks if he is okay "your wedding is all ruined now" he sadly spoke and looks at the blood bath and at Ayato always founding it strange yet creepy he does not seem phased by so many corpses and so much blood.

Ayato his expression is neutral as he just cleans his blade before he looks at Ayaka who also is fully covered in blood "are you hurt anywhere?"


"Good" he spoke yet he sees she is more so disturbed of the corpses and the amount of blood she is seeing. The man lets out a soft sigh putting the blade away and pulls his little sister in for a hug knowing she needs it. "Perhaps we should have gotten married in Inazuma all alone-..."

One month later Thoma is sitting outside on one of the cushions outside at the table he is writing something seeming very calm and peacefull, dressed incredibly nicely as in this month Ayato and him got married when they returned to Inazuma.

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