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Warmth, comfort, sleepines and safety are the words best described how Thoma is feeling right now when he is in Itto his arms. He was starting to doze of a little and for that early in the morning, that for already having a good nights rest. Because he was feeling so out of it in a moment and in such a comfortable state he almost doesnt notice Itto leave....as he was replaced with Ayato who holds him now close to him having a hand onto his back and one on the back of Thoma his head so he can carress the back of his head. Smelling Ayato his parfume though did make Thoma pull back so he could look at the other rubbing the sleep out of his eyes but it did hurt doing so, to move his hands.

The head of the Kamisato clan just holds him silently while he looks at Thoma his wrists. It brought up some memories and in all honesty, Ayato did not know he still had the strength to cause a bruise by just holding somebody. It took a while for him to accually speak or muster up some words but nothing came to mind really except for-... "i am sorry"

"Sorry for what?" Thoma yawns out wanting to rest back against Ayato who stops Thoma from doing so holding his shoulders gently.

Ayato did not want Thoma to lean on him since he, Ayato, does not deserve the touch of Thoma in the moment for hurting him. "Don't." Ayato spoke sternly watching as Thoma is a little surprised by the sterness. He also watches Thoma his posture change by tensing up a little, sitting up straight and looking at him seeming to inspect Ayato his every move. Was Thoma scared of him? Who knows. "I am apologizing for harming you. It must hurt a lot in tbe moment. I can get ice for you if that helps or-..."

Thoma just lets out a soft chuckle cutting Thoma of by speaking what he thought about the situation. "You couldn't have known i am so *fragile* i suppose. Does it really matter if you say sorry yes or no? The damage already has been done..."

Ayato had no smile on his face especially when Thoma said the last sentence. He truely cared for him so it pained him to see him hurt by his own hands. "I also am saying sorry because i got jealous-..."


Ayato nods to confirm it and takes Thoma his hand gently so he can press a soft and warm kiss onto his wrist wishing he could heal Thoma that way but knows it is impossible. "When you were having fun with Itto. I usually do not have a problem with it but this time was different. To see you two hug and sit so close to one another. To hear him say he would do anything for you. To harm the person that did this-..." he kisses his wrist again to signal that is what he meant "to you...he would harm me even if we are friends because i hurted you. Because we all care for you" Ayato whispers against the other his wrist.

Thoma watches as the other takes his hand not thinking much of it but that kiss did catch him a little off-guard which made Thoma blush even though he did not want to blush in the moment. He listens carefully to the other speak eachword and then once more a kiss follows onto his wrist which made the blonde haired man blush a little darker. "I-..i-..erm could you-. Stop with the kisses?" Thoma spoke not wanting to get flustered in the moment since it simply is bad timing.

"What? Can you not handle them?" Ayato asks looking up at Thoma seeing how flustered he is which made Ayato smile the tiniest bit having a plan in made "like-...this?" He asks pressing more kisses onto Thoma his wrist to tease him but still he was being incredible gentle. Thoma did not smile he almost seemed to just give up already letting out a small huff because he is displeased that Ayato is teasing him. That he is continueing to kiss his wrist.
"Or would you like it better like this?"
Ayato asks pressing his warm tongue against Thoma his wrist before he makes his tongue go over the other his palm but before Ayato could take maybe a finger in his mouth Thoma pulls his hand back and grabs a pillow placing it on his lap almost seeming to hide something.

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