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One more week has passed after Thoma had gotten almost struck by lightning. He now is just in the Kamisato estate in his own room watching as Ayato takes the bandages of his arm and sees that wound is healed but has left a scar that will heal over time. His leg on the otherhand is still not fully healed yet as when Ayato takes the bandages of it is very painful since they stick to the wounds. Arching his back and gripping anything he could in the moment he lets out a soft whimper "Ayato-..."

Ayato was slowly pulling the bandages of Thoma his leg to make sure he would not rip away to much of the new tissue that is starting to develop. Hearing the other whimper out his name and seeing in how much pain he is makes him stop for a moment so that Thoma can catch his breath if he so desired. "I am being as carefull as i can be." He spoke looking down at the man as he is in a kimono since it is best if he did not wear pants for the time being so his leg can heal properly.

"I know...i know it just hurts. I was not even that close to the strike yet it still wounded me this badly? The lightning in Inazuma is getting worse" he spoke propping himself up to rest on his elbows all while he looks at Ayato holding his leg up by his calf as they at the moment are removing the bandages from his thigh.

Ayato gives Thoma a nod to signal he agrees with him "we cannot stop it and you know that. So if it will rain we best stay inside just in case...we should be lucky Itto found you...why were you looking for him anyways in the rain...you know it is dangerous" he spoke and slowly started to continue to remove the bandages at a  slow pace so he would not hurt Thoma as much.

Thoma did not want to tell the reason but seeing how focused Ayato was on making sure each little bit of the bandage would be removed carefully he just lays back with his head on a pillow seeming to be impatient by how long this is taking especially since they are not even half way "I just wanted to talk to him...to see him. Can't i do that?"

Ayato gives Thoma a glance before he turns to get back at work "is it so urgent to see him then? I did not know you two were so close for you to be out there risking you're life"

Thoma looks at Ayato. Was ayato jealous? It sure sounded like it but Thoma did no show that he had wanted to smile and instead just keeps this act up. "Yes? When we were drinking we found out we had a very good connection. "

"Is that so?...Then what did you speak off"

"Well we spoke about you since you made me distressed back then...and i wanted to ask about if he was interested in somebody. He acted all awkward and did not want to awnser it yet the look in his ey-ES" he yelps  when Ayato takes the first bandage fully of his tigh as his tigh is now exposed. He just stares at it knowing it would take atleast another week for that to heal "are you sure you want to do this w-we can stop? Your back must hurt" Thoma awkwardly chuckles since that really hurted as he was feeling hot from the sudden shock of pain going trough his body.

Ayato just glances over at him and continues now starting with the bandage around his knee "we have to clean it and rewrap it so that it has the best chances of healing properly." He informs but even his back was starting to get hurt from sitting up straight for so long he will not tell Thoma because he wants to make sure everything is perfect " i don't care what you and Itto have but you are mine understood? "

Thoma looks up at the other surprised not really knowing what to say at that. "I am yours of you stop teasing me and if i am yours...no-..wait no i am not deserving of that...there are many lining up for you who are a much better choice then me " he spoke dropping the teasing act but as he rambles on and on Ayato bends down and places a kiss on his lips to get him to be silent and to reasure him.

"i am yours Thoma...okay? Now let me finish up taking your bandages off and let me clean you" he spoke when he pulls back from the kiss he just continues taking of the bandages and a couple of minutes they were off. Laying a towel beneath Thoma his leg he grabs a washcloth squeezing most of the water out before he gently starts to pat it over the wounds not stroking since that would open everything up again or make things worse.

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