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Teasing. That is all Thoma could think about is what Ayaka said. How could he possible tease Ayato and how? What way? It has Thoma thinking on how to approach this but he has a idea of what he can do. The week is over and now Thoma finally can work again! Oh was he incredible happy. Soon breakfast was being served as he carries bowls and what not to the table setting it down infront of Ayaka but *accidentally* lets a bowl slip out of his hands onto Ayato his lap. Thoma acts shocked and surprised grabbing a cloth and starts to try and tap it dry from the soup he spilled. "I am sorry i just...think i need to get back into it"

Ayaka knew dahm well what Thoma was doing but she acts surprised aswell "are you both alright?"

Ayato just sighs and Thoma is lucky he is still in his sleepwear and not in his white suit since that would have ended very tragically.  "It is alright Thoma. Go sit and eat"

Thoma did as told sitting down besides Ayato and just eats. He did it on purpose yet why did he feel so embarressed? What if Ayato would think he is not as good as he used to be even though it only has been one week without work? He was starting to stress out overthinking the whole situation so he stuffs his mouth full with food. The siblings noticed but while Ayaka calmly continues to eat Ayato places a hand onto Thoma his tigh which made Thoma almost choke on the food. Swallowing it he just turns to look at Ayato giving him a smile like nothing was wrong.

The blue haired man just moves his thumb to Thoma his mouth to wipe the corners of his mouth before he sucks the residue of the food of his thumb.

Thoma watched and he turned as red as a tomato just looking down and just wishes he could dissapear. All the confidence he just had to tease Ayato went down the drain as he now has become a blushing mess. Not to mention Ayato still has his hand on Thoma his tigh which is not helping the situation. "What are your plans for today Ayaka?"

She knows Thoma was tense, nervous and searching for a escape from the situation he is in and just giggles always finding it adorable when he gets so incredible flustered by her brother "i already have trained so i would probably go for a walk. Today will be a hot day so me and Yoimiya are planning to go the beach. Not the swim just to sit and admire the view, catch up on stuff but some say it will be stormy but i doubt it"

"Seeing you only asked my little sister i see you do not care for me" Ayato spoke removing his hand from Thoma his tigh.

Thoma swiftly turns to look at the other with furrowed brows "n-no i was going to ask you next! Im sorry Ayato"

The man just grins and turns back to look at Thoma "i do not care if you ask me what i will be doing. You already know the awnser so do not say sorry or stress about it i am just teasing"
Hearing Ayato say that word made a shiver go down his spine, his body feels tingly as he just feels embarressed once more. Was Ayato already onto him that he spilled the soup on purpose? He couldnt tell but the next thing he knows when he turns to look at Ayaka she was gone.
Ayato takes a sip from the tea having a smirk on his face "spilling soup on my lap on purpose? Tsk tsk perhaps i should punish you"

Thoma looks at the other and he takes a deep breath "can you stop teasing me? Yes i just ruined you're beautiful kimono by trying to get back at you but I have been stressed of what will come next with you. You dont even have interest in me so please just stop..." Thoma sighs and stands up to walk away to do some chores.

Ayato stands up aswell taking Thoma his hand and makes Thoma look at him "alright...i won't tease you for much longer. In truth i just like seeing you this flustered" he spoke sounding more serious yet gently to let Thoma know he is not teasing in the moment. Taking both of Thoma his hands into his own he just places a kiss onto his knuckles "i am interested in you...i told you that day didn't i?"

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