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The sun still is not out, nobody is awake not even birds are awake that often would chirp even this early at times yet one person is awake and it is Thoma. He still is in a semi-drunk state but not as much as when he and Itto arrived back at the estate (he is conscious enough to talk and do things. He practically is almost sober). The man simply lays on the sleeping mat besides Ayato not daring to move but they are pretty close and honestly Thoma did not mind that. Moving his arm up very slowly so that it would not disturb Ayato his sleep he gently places his hand into the man his cheek. Thoma smiles softly gently carressing it but his smile faded as he gasped from the shock of how quick Ayato grabbed his wrist as it honestly scared him in that moment. Ayato just lets out a deep hum not letting go of Thoma his wrist "what are you doing-..." he spoke before opening his eyes to look at the other.

Thoma swallows thickly trying to pull his wrist free but there was no success in that knowing Ayato is stronger then him no mather what "i just-...wanted to admire you...carress you're cheek" he spoke honestly knowing it has no use of lying to Ayato since he always somehow finds out the truth like he can see right trough you.

"Is that so?" He asks but it sounded more teasing so Thoma did not really have to awnser it if he did not want too "Thoma-..."


"My eyes are up here" Ayato spoke having caught Thoma stare at his lips. Ayato moves his index finger beneath Thoma his face seeing he still is not looking at his eyes but when he got Thoma to look into his eyes he gives the other a smile. Seeing Thoma like this, laying so close besides him, seeing him with his rosy cheeks and the tired look in his eyes did something to Ayato yet he does not know what that feeling was exaclty but both just locked eyes with eachother, not looking away nor did they say anything in the moment.

Thoma feels his cheeks warm up more which leads to him breaking eye contact to look back at where Ayato is holding his wrist "can you please let me go?"


"I-.." Thoma was surprised at that awnser so he just tries to break free himself but once more it has no use so he starts to try and push Ayato away with his knee but the other grabs the back of said knee and flips them over so that he would be ontop and in-between Thoma his legs.

Ayato grips Thoma his other wrist and pins his arms above his head "why were you looking at my lips? I think i know the awnser but i would like to hear that from you"

"Ayato my wrist hurt can you just please let go?"

"Not until you awnser"

Thoma lets out a whine before a huff follows looking up at the other his blush growing darker since this truely is a sight to see "erm-...i-..i looked at them be-..."

"Because you wanted to kiss me in my sleep so i never would find out?" Ayato spoke loving seeing Thoma this flustered, this obedient in a way.

Thoma would blush darker if that even was possible but he just falls speechless and looks up at the other trying to break free once more but no use but it really was starting to hurt "Ayato-..."

"Say it-..."

"You are hurting me-..."

"You know you can say the truth and be free right unless you are too embarrassed to say the truth" Ayato spoke his grip tightening a little around Thoma his wrist only so he may awnser him quicker.

When Ayato his grip tightened around Thoma his wrist he lets out a soft whimper still trying to break free "i just looked, there is no reason behind it" Thoma whimpered out and at that Ayato lets him go and sits down besides him.

"You are lying but i will accept the awnser" the man smiles at the other watching him sit up and touch his own wrists

Thoma sits up and holds his own wrist for a moment carressing it with his thumb as he just lets out a deep sigh "i am not lying Ayato. What makes you say that?"

Desires [ Ayato x Thoma ]Where stories live. Discover now