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Only two days have passed of Thoma not working and he already has grown sick and tired of it as it gives him some sort of anxiety that he can't do anything to help around the house so he now is just sitting infront of Ayato in his office space fiddling with his sleeves. Ayato was working hard but Thoma is distracting him with the sound of the fabric moving between Thoma his fingers aswell for the nervous behaviour so Ayato would glance up at Thoma raising a brow since he has noticed he has been awfully quiet and seemingly nervous but he also looked up at him to signal him he is distracting him from work "why don't you hang out with Itto or Ayaka?"

Thoma looks up from his hands to Ayato almost looking at him like he asked a stupid question "because i told you i want to stay with you-..."

Ayato lets out a deep sigh and shakes his head a little continueing his work but seeing Thoma his leg still tapping up and down and him still fiddling with his sleeve it caused Ayato to sigh deeply once more and reach beneath the table to grab hold of Thoma his tigh to keep his leg still "you are distracting me from work Thoma. Please get out and do something fun"

Thoma was shocked when he felt Ayato his hand onto his tigh snapping back to reality once more not really knowing what to think, what to feel in that moment as he was speechless and frozen for a moment. Once Ayato was done speaking he looks up at him seemingly hurt "i promise i will remain silent and still from now on"


Thoma looks in Ayato his eyes seeing he is being serious which makes makes his heart drop to the floor and swallow thickly giving him a nod slowly standing up and just leaves Ayato be. Looking for Ayaka to possibly keep her company or to do things for her he could not find her so he lets out a sigh having decided to just walk around Inazuma. Leaving the Kamisato estate he bumped into somebody with his face sort of hitting the other his chest right as he turns the corner.

The man who Thoma bumped into just smiles brightly upon seeing it is him and just pulls Thoma who had been backing up for distance back towards him into a tight hug "Thoma! I was about to go greet Ayato!"

When Thoma was pulled back in a hug his face was burried in the man his chest as he just accepts his fate knowing that resisting won't help so he hugs the man back finding the hug somewhat calming in a way after what just happened. "It is not a good time to disturb him. He sended me away"

"He se-..wait wait wait wait-...he sended you away?! What did you?! He never gets annoyed by you or angry or overwhelmed" he spoke clearly curious what Thoma did in order for him to be sended away.

"I don't know what i did Itto." He mumbles since his face is still burried in the man his chest which made his voice a little muffled. When Itto lets go of him he straightens out his clothing and looks up at the other "he told me to hang out with you or Ayaka but i cannot find Ayaka..."

Itto raised a brow and crosses his arms "i sense you are not pleased by bumping into me then seeming you only want to be around Ayaka...mhh fine...i will leave you then"

"I am! Itto-..."

"Eeeh i am just messing with yah! Come!" Itto spoke wrapping his arm around Thoma as he guides them to where they can drink something. Walking down the streets they did get some stares but Itto seemed to ignore it just rambling on and on to Thoma.
Upon entering the bar Thoma sits down somewhere with Itto as he seems awfully quiet for once and Itto notices. Itto tought it was his fault since he knows he can be overwhelming at times so he tries to remain quiet but that is impossible for him to do. Atleast not for that long. "soooo-...are you and Ayato a thing yet?"

"I don't want to talk about him right now Itto i need to clear my mind"

"Clear your mind...right, right, Yes. " when the waiter came to bring them their drinks Itto just takes the bottle from the waiter and sets it down infront of Thoma.

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