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Back at the Kamisato estate there is now mud all over the floor no mather how carefull the men tried to be when entering the estate. Ayaka already has freshened herself up and has on clean clothing but looking at Thoma and Ayato walk in covered head to toe in mud she couldn't help but laugh making her fingertips touch her lips to cover her mouth not wanting them to see how wide her smile truely was, Not wanting them to see how funny she accually found it. Ayaka never has seen her older brother this dirty but this is a nice change to see he is for once focused on something that doesnt involve politics or business. "I see you two had fun"

Thoma smiles at her and gives her a nod knowing why she is chuckling and smiling. "i did yes. But for now i will be upset and quiet knowing i have to clean the whole house and Ayato his white clothing" the blonde laughs before he walks with Ayato to his room and slides the sliding doors shut. He would take Ayato his clothing of having noticed he didn't awnser his sister her question "did you have fun though?" Thoma asks almost in a whisper...almost afraid to ask that question.

Ayato thinks for a moment letting the other help him with his clothing "i suppose so? Fun is not part of my vocabulary...i work and that is what i consider fun" The man spoke looking at Thoma but he couldnt help but form a smile onto his face "i got you good though"

Thoma shakes his head and takes the top half of Ayato his clothing of untill he was shirtless as it had no use to fold the clothing up as they are extremely dirty "fun? You call work fun? Pshhtt boring life you have" Thoma jokes and usually he would help with the boots when Ayato would sit down but since that is not a option now he kneels down before him moving one foot of Ayato onto his thigh so he can start taking the boot off.  "You did yes. Covered me all in mud. I hope you are proud of yourself since now i have to clean everything up"

Ayato watches the other get down on his knees looking down at him a grin starting to form onto his face setting his foot onto Thoma his thigh "i am yes, but if it is too hard for you to do such a task then perhaps you are not fit for the job anymore...back to Mondstadt you will go"

Thoma his heart stopped beating for a split second, he froze in place and he was speechless when Ayato said that not wanting to return..he wanted to stay here and serve the Kamisato family. "It will be clean again before you two wake up again...i promise." he spoke before he looks up at the blue haired man at his face, watching him tower over him likes this. He doesnt break eye contact while taking the other his boot off and it seems Ayato didnt take his eyes of the other either.

The man switches legs and puts his other foot onto Thoma his other tigh as a mudstain from the boot will be left behind onto Thoma his pants "excelent. Do not dissapoint me Thoma" he spoke rather sternly. He was friends with Thoma yes but that does not make him any less stern. "Tell me about your time in Mondstadt"

Again? Ayato wanted to hear that story again? It came as a surprise honestly since Thoma did not want to bore Ayato with such a topic "i have told you that story before..."

"And i would like to hear it again"

Thoma chuckles softly shaking his head and stands up grabbing a bucket from behind a devider. After he had taken the bucket he goes to gather some hot water that has already been prepared. Thoma scoops the bucket full of hot water and returns to Ayato his room with a soft cloth draped over his shoulder. "start washing yourself of before you step into the bath."

Ayato had decided he was in a teasing mood feeling that today...and only today would be his free day so he will make use of it "do it yourself" is all Ayato said and seeing Thoma his expression change he found it priceless, worth teasing Thoma for.

Thoma fell silent his smile fading to a neutral almost shocked expression "alright?" Ayato usually always told Thoma to leave when having to wash himself before he goes into the bath but now Thoma got to wash the mud of the other? Thoma did as told though, of course he did since he did not want to loose his job. The man puts the bucked on a small side table taking the cloth of his shoulder and fully soaks it with the warm water. Squeezing most of the water out so it wouldn't drip everywhere he takes Ayato his right wrist and lets the man his hand rest onto Thoma his left shoulder for support. Thoma would bring the cloth over making sure it would not drip anywhere else as he starts to wash Ayato his arm his strokes being gently to make sure he would not be hurting the skin of the man standing before him. This was strange to Thoma. Never has he washed somebody else before, not even a friend of his so for him to now do this to his boss, to his friend did make him feel a little nervous in a way.

Desires [ Ayato x Thoma ]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя