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Upon arrival of Mondstadt they surely got strange looks since their clothing did not fit in at all but Thoma just smiles brightly at everybody since he is happy to be back here. Stepping off the ship ...more so running off he runs over the docks all happy. Ayato calmly walks off smiling at the sight of Thoma being so happy as he walks over the docks his eyes only set on Thoma as he walks over to him, taking his hand and places a kiss onto his knuckles.

Ayaka walks of with Kuki as Itto follows behind them almost like their personal bodyguard and the people working on the docks sure looked at Itto strangely. Perhaps shocked? A man with body markings like that? Hornes? That sure is special.
Walking after the couple they just walk down the road as Thoma is rambling on and on about stories as he would point in the direction of things when tell stories about it as Ayato smiles and listens as he does not know how he could have fallen so hard for Thoma, he finds him absolutely adorable in the moment
Ayaka listens closely aswell, everybody did as they like hearing Thoma his stories yet upon arrival at the front of the bridge leading to Mondstadt city Thoma does stop and takes a deep breath feeling very nervous yet excited all at once.
Thoma remembers faces very well so he is sure he will see a lot of people from when he was much younger.
Seeing how nervous he is Ayato takes Thoma his hand again and gives it a light reasuring squeeze.  "Everything will be alright. They will be happy to see you even when it is unannounced " he smiles at him.

Itto wraps his arms around the both of them and stands inbetween them now "lets gooooo c'mon it will be fun. Nothing to be nervous about" he spoke and lets go of them already walking ahead of them yet scaring away a lot of pigeons a boy tells Itto off for scaring away his birds. Itto turns to him and they start to argue...

Kuki sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose since Itto is arguing with a child so she walks over grabbing Itto his arm and drags him away "boss...do not argue with a child"

Ayaka takes hold of Thoma his arm and gives it a reasuring squeeze "you have us by your side. Everything will be fine " she smiles up at him.

Thoma gives the both of them a nod and holds Ayato his hand and lets Ayaka hold his other arm as they start to walk to the gates standing at the gates he sees familiar faces as he remembers these boys when younger always talked about wanting to be knights so he just gives them a smile  and as the group enters Mondstadt Thoma looks around feeling like he can cry. He truely missed this place as not much has changed. He has to take everything in for a moment holding tears back since so many memories flood back to as Ayato just smiles at Thoma adoring him in the moment. Thoma sets a few more steps seeing so many familiar faces yet nobody really seems to recognize him since it has been so long but upon arrival at the fountain he hears a familiar voice so he instandly turns his head as it is Jean walking down the staires with Lisa. At once he lets go of Ayato his hand and made his arm slip out of Ayaka her hands as he rushes to Jean and hugs her tightly.

Jean was startled at who suddenly would hug her yet looking at Ayaka and Ayato, the people Thoma vividly described in the letters she knows it is him so she hugs him back with a bright smile "you came back? For vacation i am sure? How have you been?" She spoke and when Thoma pulls away she lets him cup her face in inspect her full since Thoma wants to make sure she is doing well, has been eating well, has enough sleep.

Thoma then lets go of her and smiles brightly at her "i am so happy i can cry "he chuckles softly "i am doing very well....i came back here since well... i want to get married here OH-.." he turns to Lisa and gives her a smile "i apologise for not introducing myself. I am Thoma. Jean has written a lot about you"

Lisa smiles at them but she takes a glsnce at Jean "has she now? Well arent you two just adorable writing letters to eachother"she spoke before she looks at Thoma with a smile "congratulations on the wedding. I am afraid i cannot call you cutie anymore then?"

Desires [ Ayato x Thoma ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt