Chapter sixteen

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3 days later.

"Uncle Chris when will Papa and Daddy get back from their trip?" Jae asked as Chris drove the boys to school.

It had been three days since Felix went into heat, which he was spending with Hyunjin. The boys had been asking none stop about their parents and Chris had lied saying Felix and Hyunjin had gone for a business trip, which was the only thing he could come up with. His brother had called him earlier this morning informing him that he would be back home today, it seemed his heat had ended but Chris did not ask, instead he answered with an 'okay'. He glanced at his nephew and smiled warmly. "Today buddy"

"Really?" Dae peeked from the back seat, beaming at the information.

"Yup" Chris said with a smile. "He called me earlier this morning, they're already on their flight as we speak, so-" he took a glance at his younger nephew from the rear view mirror. "By the time you get home I bet your Papa will be home waiting to hold you"

"Oh my God! I am so happy" Dae said jumping excitedly in his seat.

"Will Daddy be there too, I mean when we get home?" Jae asked hopefully.

Chris understood the older twin was very fond- No more fond of his Alpha father, than his Omega father, Dae's interest and fondness went to Felix, while Jae's went to Hyunjin. He wondered how Hyunjin was able to gain such a large space in his son's heart, despite the fact that they only met a few weeks back.

"Is Daddy going to be there as well? I missed him too" It was Dae who asked this time bringing Chris out of his little trance.

May be he got it wrong, it seemed both pups were attached to their Alpha father, of course they would be, they're his blood after all. He smiled at the boys once again before he nodded, even if Hyunjin wouldn't be there, all Chris had to do was call Felix and ask him to make sure Hyunjin would be with him, when the boys got home. "Yup, he will be."

The boys shrieked in unison. And Chris could only laugh softly at them.

They came to a stop in front the school gate. Chris exited the car as he moved to help his nephews down.

"Thank you Uncle Chris" both boys bowed politely at their uncle.

Chris squatted down next to them, ruffling their hair with both hands, leaning to drop a kiss on each of their forehead. "Study hard boys, and stay out of trouble, no talking with strangers. Yeah?" They both nodded. "Go on" he urged and they flashed him a smile before walking into the school premises.

He watched them for a few seconds, making sure they're almost close to their classroom, before moving back to his car, he hopped on and immediately drove off.

Jae held his brother's hand as they walked toward their classroom. He was so happy, his parents would be coming back today, he missed them so much. Especially since his Papa didn't call. But Jae and his brother had spoken a few times with their Dad. And Jae was truly grateful to his Dad for spearing some time to speak with them. His Dad told them that their Papa was very busy that's why he couldn't call-

"Jae'in?" He heard his name from an unfamiliar voice, he stopped, prompting his brother to stop as well and they both turned around to see a man smiling down at them.

Jae felt a shiver ran down his spine, a light-headedness lingered a little. His vision spun just the slightest, his hands shook, and the hair on the back of his neck rose in distress. His protective instincts taking over as he shielded his brother away from the man, hiding Dae securely behind his back, just in case. Because the man's posture looked somewhat threatening. "Who's asking?" He dared to ask holding his chin up, he was not going to show weakness no matter how tall this man seemed. Even if he couldn't use his powers because his parents' forbid them from doing so.

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