Lee: Yeah, we're on it.

Lee walks away, and to see Clem and (YN) sitting down together, as they both waved at Lee and Lee waves back...he then walks up and to head to the very front of the train where the controls are, as he does, Ben was there, as the two tried opening the door, and managed to do so...they got in the cab, Lee sees a button blinking...

Ben: Push it.

Lee: Push it? You serious?

Ben: Yeah, look.

Ben pushes the button, and that started up the train as steam began flowing around...

Lee: Okay, I'll give you that.

Ben: Yeah, it's just the brakes.

Kenny appears...

Kenny: this fucker works? Hell yeah! I'd be damn, But how do we get it moving?

Lee: Ben?

Ben: No clue.

Kenny: Hmm, well Lee, try to find something around here to start it off, Ben why don't you go and look after the kids and Kat, I'd appreciate it.

Ben: Okay.

Ben walks off as Lee looks around to see anything to start the train and get it to move...he then finds a notebook, with instructions to start it off...but some pages were missing...however, there's writing still....Lee needed something to shade the writing and to read it....he finds a pencil, and to shade off the writing, and to read all the controls of the train..

Lee: Got it.

Kenny: You can read it now?

Lee: Yeah, just gotta follow the steps here to get it start it.

Kenny: That great man!

Lee walks over to the controls, and to to turn on and press buttons to turn on the train...and as he did, the train began to start to move...only problem is...it seems the train might be stuck...

Kenny: Aw what??!

Lee: Shit, seems like the rest of the train are still attached back there. I'll handle it.

Kenny: Yeah.

Lee walks out, and to then find some tools in a cabinet of the train...he grabs a big wrench to loose up the train...he goes and walks over to whatever the train is stuck...as he does, he then lifts the pin with everything he has...and did it, and for the train to be loose...

Lee: Got it.

As Lee goes back and enters the boxcar with used supplies....he then heard a voice...

???: You touch any my stuff?

Lee startled and to turn and see an old mature homeless man in the boxcar...

Lee startled and to turn and see an old mature homeless man in the boxcar

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