midnight capturing with the devil

Start from the beginning

The petrova paused as she looked back at the memories she had tried so hard to forget, unknowingly smiling while doing so. She then looked back at the blonde, "You know I can't tell you too much right?," she affirmed, her voice gravelly and slightly flat, layered with her usual teasing undertone so you'd never knew how she was truly feeling.

Caroline paused,  and merely shrugged. "I get it. Just tell me about the guy, you don't even have to name him." She spoke, as Katherine hummed in agreement. "Fine. I guess I'll have to get into a little bit of detail, just so this makes sense." She hummed, turning to the blonde who was at the edge of her seat.  But then again, who wouldn't be?

Katherine would never tell anyone about something as low as her feelings. She just wouldn't. Especially when it involved that certain noble original who wouldn't let her rest, and leave her bothered mind. But this felt different and she could always kill caroline if this newfound friendship goes wrong and turns on her. But she was hoping it wouldn't.

"You know about the sun and moon curse right? Your friends and Damon are already plotting to steal the moonstone from wherever it may fucking be." She spoke. Katherine had learned that the blonde was not too fond of the other Salvatore. She didn't know why but she sure as hell planned to know if this friendship were to continue.

She liked blondie so far. And she was also one of the sweetest people she has ever seen. And if something as low as just damon were to ruin what she has right now— well, goodbye salvatore. At least they have a nice graveyard in their name.

Caroline nodded her head in response to the brunette's words. Katherine continued, "To break it, you need the moonstone to bind the curse, and then a few more details, before finally, the sacrifice breaks it.. and the sacrifice is me. Correction, was me." She hummed, and spoke as if she was bored of the topic.

"Petrova doppelgänger sacrifice was the only challenging thing you needed to break the curse." She informed before letting out a yawn. "The man sacrificing me was going to drink every last drop of my human blood, but then I turned, and he couldn't sacrifice me as a vampire and you know—he just chased me around for a couple centuries as revenge and blah blah we both know how that ended," she concluded, popping her eyes at the last part.

"He had courted me as an excuse for the ritual, and I was ok with it. Until I met his older brother, and a few things happened." She spoke as caroline gaped, Elijah sure as hell seemed interesting now. "Woah. Is he that fine?," she asked as Katherine scoffed at the question.

"Please,  fine? He could cut diamonds with that jawline. He is way pass the word fine, his brother was the same but we don't talk about that bitch in this conversation." She spoke, rolling her eyes as Caroline laughed, but then her laughter died down and a frown emerged her features as a thought came into her head.

"Does he know that you didn't 'die' in 1864 at that church?," she asked as Katherine's eyes saddened, and her lips twitched into a strained bitter smile. "No. I don't think he knows. I am pretty sure he doesn't really care anymore, what happened between us was too many centuries ago to remember." She hummed, her eyes still empty of any emotion.

Caroline nodded before perking up as she remembered that one party she had threw when her mom had left mystic falls that one time. She then walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out two vodka bottles, throwing one of the petrova who looked up at her and smirked as she looked down at the bottle, clutching the between her toughened fingers.

"Wanna get drunk and dance till we drop?," she asked as Katherine laughed. "Me and you are soulmates."


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