-----Zak's pov

I woke up in my bed, but did not remember moving to bed. I could see Bad was sleeping comfortably. Maybe he was the one that moved me to have more space. I rolled my eyes and looked at the clock. It was 3am. I should sleep the rest of the night and get something to eat in the afternoon. I was super hungry but I did not know why. I decided to get a late night snack but locking the door before and after getting it. I got out of bed and walked to the door. I opened it and Puffy was sleeping in her shift I decided to let her be and get my snack as fast as i could. I locked the door. I didn't want to risk bad being spotted in his normal form. I went to the kitchen and looked at all the snacks in the fridge.

 I grabbed whatever I could get. Walked toward my room Puffy still sleeping and opened the door. Bad was still sleeping so I decided to be quiet. I locked the door after going in and sat in my bed and I start to devore my food like an animal that has not eaten in days. I had never felt this hungry before not even when I didn't eat for a day. I finished almost all of it I had a couple of snacks left. I was still hungry but I had to save some for bad, since he's probably hungrier than me because he didn't eat at all, from what the guard told me. I pushed myself off the bed, snacks in hand, and put them on the dresser away from me.

 I sighed and made my way to the closet to change my clothes again. Mid changing I heard bad sleepily say, "Skeppy....?" I immediately went to cover my bare chest. I was right behind him, so if he opened his eyes he would see me getting changed. "Don't open your eyes bad...please don't..." He covered his eyes. I could see he was confused, but he did it still. " Why do I need to....?" He asked while I rushed to find a shirt. I found a shirt and put it on and sighed silently. "I was changing, and you can open your eyes now" He uncovered his eyes and looked at me. I looked at him and started looking around.

 " What's on your mind Skeppy? You look like you're stumped" questions started to rise in my head: Why did you kill the guard? Why did you hurt yourself? So many apologies to you. Why didn't you turn me in when you found out I killed my father? I had to many questions and things to say, my brain was making more then my mouth could follow through with. I tried speaking but my voice cut off and replaced with a short whine. I rubbed my temples, they were pulsing with how hard my brain was working which was stressing me out.

 "Whydidyoukilloneofmyguard?Whydidn'tyouturnmeinwhenyoufoundoutikilledmyownfather? imsosorrythatithrewyouinthedongeon-" I spat out all at once, which I couldn't say everything in one breath. I started breathing harder and harder which made Bad look panicked. "Skeppy calm down I don't need you passing out on me! Now, one at a time, what did you say..?" I was about to talk but I heard a knock at the door.

 "Prince Zak you need to come out your mother is worried, you've been in there for the past 3 days" Puffy said. I faced bad who was as confused as me. Bad turned into his human form I could see he was struggling a little. I stared at him to make sure I could open the door. He nodded. I walked to the door and opened it. First thing I knew puffy could notice was the bags under my eyes, I thought the 3 days of mainly sleep would help them go away but no, it didn't. " I'm fine..? I've just been sleeping mainly. " I wasn't lying, I mainly slept all those days. She shook her head and smiled " I'll let your mother know, you may go back to cuddling with bad" She winked as I went red " Puffy its not - " She shut the door in my face.

 I looked back at Bad who was now again in his demon form I locked the door and sat down. Bad curled up to me because he was too tall and sat next to me. "Skeppy if you did sleep 3 days would the bags under your eyes disappear, are you in some kind of stressful situation" I looked up to him. He was looking the other way to the balcony again. "I was" he stops staring at the balcony and looks at me. "Could you tell me why?" I nodded. "Because of you," he looked once again at the balcony to avoid eye contact.

 I continued "Why would you do that to yourself?" He stayed quiet. "Bad answer me" He turned half-human again, his tail wrapped around his leg like a scared puppy. "Nevermind you don't have to tell me then." It was silent again. I looked away pulling my legs closer to my chest... "I-'' he finally said, "I wanted to suffer more than you were because of my words." I couldn't believe what he said. I pulled him into a hug and hugged him tightly. He started sobbing softly. I felt bad for making him answer that maybe I would wait for him to feel better to ask him more things. Not only a minute later he fell asleep in our hug.

 I put him on the bed and went to the balcony. Why did bad stare so much outside? Then a bright idea came to me. I ran to the door unlocked, got out, locked it again and ran downstairs. I went straight to the library of the castle and looked at a demon book. I wanted to learn as much as I could. I found a lot of enderman, dragons and lots more monsters that lived in the nether. I found one specific about demons but not normal demons none of them looked like Bad. They couldn't hide their appearance like Bad did. If bad is a demon what kind of demon is he? I went walking further into the halls but they didn't talk about demons only once or twice. After at least an hour or two I found a book that named all the demons that were there in the neither or on the surface. I passed through the pages and in the last picture there was one of... BAD??!!! But they say he was the first of his kind found and they had no information about him/her. " I could add information to this" I started to giggle.

 It was true that I knew about Bad more than this book. I read the name that the writer named Bad. A Wither Demon. Wow that was a cool name but I prefer sticking with the name Bad it was shorter. I went to the back of the book. There was another picture of bad.

There were some updates in it; His/her human form is similar to an actual human most demons do not perfect this technique, making him unique. He/she seemed to have another form likely we will never find out he is a good hider. Are they stalking Bad? I could just send them to get killed. I looked at the name of the book and wrote it on a piece of paper. I knew Bad knew them because they were stalking him. I went back to my room and the door was opened. I looked through it. Bad was not there. I put the book under my bed and sat on my bed. Maybe it is not the time to ask him about this. Someone walks in my room. Karl, one of the guards, comes storming into my room. "YOUR MOTHER!"

2512 words

is long but is worth reading it

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