Chapter 20: Trenches

Start from the beginning

The kids squeezed in between the two accomplices and kicked open the door to the exit of Victor Senior High School.

Honestly, the light was super bright to them. Despite being in a light building, the sun glared into their faces.

"Woah... Are we out?" Bradley asked.

"Yeah, we're outside." Trey confirmed.

"So... What do we do now?" Joseph inquired quietly.

"Boys! Over here!"

Rhonda Kazembe waved to the guys over in her truck, opening the doors.

"Guys, look!"

The Mysterious Benedict Society piled out of the vehicle quickly and ran over to them.

"Reynie!" Brandon shouted, hugging the boy.

"Ok, this is new." DBro muttered.

Reynard hugged his friend back, then let Brandon do the same with the rest of the kids... Except for Constance. She didn't show affection like that.

"How are you feeling?" Sticky asked. "Did The Whisperer... change you in any way?"

"Nope. Evan saved us in time. I might've cracked if Professor Xavier hadn't jumped in."

"Professor what?" DeAngelo repeated, surprised.

Evan laughed. "Oh, so that's why-"

"Yeah. I'm expecting at least one of the X-Men to show up soon."

"Ohhh, it's going down now!" BDog yelled triumphantly.

Constance strolled up to DaVan. "You did good, Evan."

Kate raised her eyebrows. "A compliment from Constance?"

"He destroyed The Whisperer." Sticky reminded. "I think she's proud of him for doing the same thing she did."

Mr. Benedict walked up to the group. "Alright. Where's my brother?"

B. Wells sighed. "You really shouldn't go in there."

The man furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What? Why?"

"You will be upgraded."

"That." DaVan said, pointing to the doors, footsteps incoming.

"What has he done now?"

"I'm not sure it's just him." Reynie concluded.

Suddenly, the doors swung open, and there stood the Cybermen, actually, quite a few of them.

"What is going on?!" Trey exclaimed in stress. "Literally yesterday, we were just trying to destroy The Whisperer. Now, these guys?"

"That's what happens when you hang out with B. Wells and DaVan." DBro pointed out with a smirk.

"Guys, they're coming closer!" Bradley announced. "What do we do?"

"Run!" Joseph shrieked.

"Wait!" Mr. Benedict interrupted. "Let me see... metal men. What is Nathaniel up to?"

"Mr. Benedict, don't go near them!" Sticky warned.

"He's right." Rhonda added. "They don't look friendly."

"They said, 'You will be upgraded'." He said under his breath, slowly walking towards the Cybermen. Already making a huge mistake. "What does that mean?"

One of the Cybermen turned to him. "You are compatible. You will be taken to Dr. Curtain. You will be upgraded."

"Mr. Benedict! No!"

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