Chapter 16

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     I soon felt a hand softly shake me awake. I slowly peeled my eyes open, then rubbed them, yawning. When I finally woke up, the strong scent of spider lily flooded my nose. I recognize that scent anyway. My head snapped up and I found Naraku sound asleep against the train wall. His arm was wrapped around me protectively as he slept. My eyes widened as I mentally screamed in my head.

      I felt the same hand shake me once more. I turned my head, finding Shippo smirking at me. I blushed like hell as I quickly sat up but that was cut short. Naraku instinctively pulled me back and onto his lap no less. He nuzzled me as he tried to use me as a teddy bear. I silently screamed as I tried to get away from him.

      "Na...Naraku, let go." I whispered yelled.

      He grumbled and held me in closer to him. I stammered as I managed to get my arms out from his grasp. I then roughly pinched his cheeks and pulled. Hie red eyes shot open in surprise before he looked down at me.

     "I said let go!" I growled.

     "My aren't you a fiesty one when you first wake." He chuckled as he removed my hands from his cheeks. "I must say, I like our position."

     I growled before I used my reiki. He yelped as he let go of me. I huffed and managed to escape his arms. Shippo laughed behind his hand. I glared down at my son, who just shrugged at me.

     "We are at the Kyoto station." Shippo informed me.

     "Ah, okay!" I rubbed at my tired eyes before I grabbed my dufflebag. Rin was still asleep in his chair. I flicked some reiki onto his head, making him jump awake. "We're here." I stated as I got ready to depart the train. Kirara jumped onto my shoulder.

     In the corner of my eye, I could see Rin frown with sadness but I didn't have time for this. I slipped my dufflebag over my shoulder. Shippo wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we headed off. Naraku tried to wrap his arm around my waist but I shocked him off with my reiki. He hissed and flicked his hand.

      We all quietly walked off the terminal, following our teachers. Kirara nuzzled up on me, trying to comfort me which I accepted.

     "Huh?" Kuro gasped, making me glance over to my mate. "It's that tower you were talking about!"

     "Whoa!" Rin exclaimed. Shippo and Naraku gasped when they saw it as well. It was amazing but the beauty didn't really hit right now. "That is so cool! Look, guys!"

      "Over here Rin!" I called and waved him over. His eyes widened as he ran over to us. I then looked forward, finding a glum man with blonde hair and brown eyes. His features reminded me of Shima, even though he was decked out in traditional shrine garb. He was holding a sign up that said:

Order of the True Cross Japan Branch

      We all then shuffled onto the bus that was in front of us. My group piled into the far back, Shura and Rin joining us as well. Once the bus was full and ready, it started to take off to our destination. I saw the blonde man stand in the front of the bus, talking into a microphone.

     "OK, so I'm Kinzo Shima and I represent the local field office." He said, looking so "enthusiastic". "Welcome to Kyoto!" He bowed his head and bashed his head into the microphone, making it hiss a bit. I hid my mouth behind my hand, giggling.

    "Aw, Kin, that's so corny. Hope no one figures out we're related." Shima scolded his older brother. So I was right about them being related.

     "First things first." He groaned as he rubbed his head. "We'll be taking you to the inn you'll be staying at. And, once your rooms are sorted and your bags dropped, you guys are gonna help us out with the Tempaint victims. We apper your support." Kinzo bowed his head once more, hitting the microphone. I giggled once more.

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