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Almost as soon as Luke had started to get the hang of the glass-like platforms, replete with near six-inch heels, the session had to come to an end. People had started to arrive for Deacon's proper class and he had given Luke an apologetic look, and a hug, but Luke felt a little glad of the interruption. The platform shoes weren't so much of a problem, but the damage caused by the first pair had started to make moving in any shoes a painful chore.

With plasters stuck to his heels, from Deacon's personal first aid stash, Luke and Helen had made their way out of the dance studio. Luke hoped that he could meet Deacon again, someday. He liked the dance instructor that gave Helen no quarter and kept her, mostly, in line. Anyone that could do that were a formidable person and Luke needed people like that in his life.

"Cyd Charisse. Ginger Rogers, of course. Umm ... Veronica Lake! Oh, that woman could slink in heels like no other! Oh, and it goes without saying, Lauren Bacall." Once again, Helen led the way through the darkening streets and Luke thought he recognised the way. "You see, there's an art to walking in heels that's mostly lost. We all just stomp along, trying to grind our feet into the ground instead of performing the simple act of walking. Cis and trans alike. Don't think I'm insulting one group of people here."

"I suppose it helps that they all lived at a time where walking in heels was expected." Luke stopped, looking around. He definitely recognised where they were. "This is on the way to the car park. That it, then? Well, I don't mean that badly. We've fitted a lot in."

"No. Not it. Not yet. Just one more thing to do." She swung the bag in her hand toward yet another alley and Luke thought he had seen enough of those today. "It's partly to do with the period, but partly to do with the fact that they simply knew how to walk in heels. Don't make your stride too long, or too short. Don't walk with duck feet, or pinched feet. Don't have too wide a gap between the feet and, in fact, if you really want to give your walk some sexual punch, you put one foot in front of the other, like walking an invisible tight rope."

She demonstrated that last part, her backside and hips certainly swaying in the most sensual fashion, but Helen had no trouble looking sensual and sexual and feminine at the best of times. Luke couldn't hope to match her. He knew very well she would say not to try, to be himself, but who could resist using someone like Helen as a role model? He couldn't, for certain.

Turning into the alley, passing yet more industrial waste bins, Luke saw Helen headed toward a door at the top of a small set of steps. A sign above the door had become flaked and faded and, in the poor light from the infrequent lamps, he couldn't see what it read. He could see feint remains of a colourful picture, but it had become too faded to see. Helen banged upon the door, adding a couple of taps with the heel of her shoe, turning her back to the door to do so, for good measure.

After a few seconds, the door opened outward and Helen barged past the young man holding open the door. By the look upon his face, this seemed like a regular occurrence for him. He and Luke exchanged nodded greetings and the young man appeared to recognise someone who knew the pain of knowing Helen.

"You're late. Again." The young man squeezed past Helen as she waited for Luke. "Alfredo is pissed off about last night. He's seen the pictures. It brings the place a bad name if people recognise you."

"Oh, pish. It brings more people here so they can point and whisper to their mates that they've fucked me. Alfredo can suck my sissy dick. I'm entitled a night off once in a while." She lifted her head in a haughty fashion, nose in the air before winking at Luke. "I need to have a bath. Is Krystal upstairs?"

"Yeah. She's been there for an hour. Because you're late." The young man opened a door and half-entered. He gave Luke a world weary look and sigh. "Hi. I'm Nick, stage manager. I have to tell you because she won't. Bitch that she is. Whatever she tells you, don't believe her."

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