Here, at the edge of the land, where island met sea in an ever changing, torrid embrace, Luke always felt more calm than anywhere else. The air tasted different. It filled lungs better, it seemed, and had a bite to it not found anywhere else. He loved the coast, but visited little. Especially since reaching adulthood. Going to the coast was once an act of familial serenity that he rarely experienced at home.

"Cath says to tell you to enjoy yourself, but if do, she'll have my balls for a necklace." Andy stared at the screen of his phone, frowning, before looking up with a concerned expression. "I think she's joking."

She probably was, but Cath had the ability to say things in such a way that it was far too easy to take seriously. A tone of voice that held such a dry wit, it made deserts appear awash with water and fertility. Even now, years after meeting Cath and marrying her, she could still make Andy second-guess the intent behind her words. She enjoyed watching him squirm, sometimes, or leave him over-thinking her words until he saw her and she would reveal that little, lop-sided smirk that would bring nervous laughs from her husband.

"She's a cruel woman and you have my pity." Luke looked at his own phone, checking the time. "Well, you have about two hours of trying your best not to enjoy yourself. Fish and chips?"

"Lovely!" He clapped his hands together, rubbing them in anticipation of the fat-engorged delicacy. "Though I won't enjoy them."

They had arrived, on the hired bus, among their shouting, cheering, boisterous team-mates, ready to invade the local area, play a game, lose, and return home, shouting, cheering and even more boisterous after commiserating beers. Lots of them. Not that they expected to lose, but really did. The national trophy competition gave them a once-a-year opportunity to play teams from around the country. Or, more often, one team that would, in past experience, beat them.

Today, however, some technical difficulty, that no-one really paid attention to, had meant the game had to be called off and rescheduled. Luke only felt a little disappointment at that. He had painted his toenails, the night before, and had not looked forward to switching into his match socks without anyone seeing. In the rush to get to the bus, he had forgotten to remove the black polish.

"Well, if nothing else, it means we get to come back another day for you not to enjoy yourself." Luke turned on his heel, trying to remember where he had seen the fish and chips shop. "Two days out. That's a recent record for me."

"I can't fucking believe they had us come all this way before telling us it was postponed!" Andy shook his phone, as though showing it to the local team's management. "We all have fucking phones! How hard can it be to let people know?"

Andy ducked his head, looking sheepish as a young couple passed by, their toddler holding each of their hands. They had heard Andy's outburst and gave him a scowl, but Luke doubted the child was old enough to understand swearing yet. Still, it wasn't the best place for expressive, colourful language. Luke lifted a hand of apology and gave a pained smile to the couple, which they scowled at as much as they scowled at Andy.

Soon, they sat on a bench, looking out toward the sea, bags of fish and chips in their hands, watching seagulls wheel and dive up above, their screeches filling the air. Late in the season, there weren't as many people in the good-sized coastal town, but a steady stream of them passed by. Strolling along, the cares of the world put on hold as they breathed in the calming air.

In silence, Luke and Andy wolfed down the food. Luke never understood why fish and chips always seemed to taste better at the coast, that crisp air a likely reason. The smell of the batter, mixed with copious sprinkles of vinegar, seeming to embrace Luke's senses. It was nice here, lovely, even, but it wasn't home. At home, life was dull, drab and a burdensome, but he could never live anywhere else.

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