Manik: (calming himself a bit) Navya it's not your fault so please don't apologize and about Cabir... once I sort things with Nandini I will teach him a lesson.

Mukti: So shall we continue with our plan?

Manik: (sighs) I guess we don't have any other option. Hopefully it works.

Alia: It will work for sure. Trust me.

Manik: I just don't want to hurt her.

Mukti: And what about you? Here she is hurting you for that silly reason is that ok with you?

Abhi: Mukti you know how possessive she is regarding Manik so it's obvious for her to get angry.

Dhruv: Ok now leave that topic and let's discuss about what we should do next. Manik do you want to continue with our plan?

Manik: Yes let's go for it.

Mukti: Manik don't worry everything will be fine.

Navya: Good thing is that both brother and sister went out we can carryout our plan without any hindrance.

Alia: Guys we even have to inform kaka about our plan. By any chance, if they asked him anything our whole plan will be a flop.

Abhi: Ok Dhruv you go and inform kaka and I will go and bring other things.

He nodded and both of them went and others went to the guest room.

Half an hour later:

Abhi: And we are done.

Saying this, he moved a bit aside so that others could see the artwork he did on Manik's face.

Mukti: Woah it looks so real. I must say you impressed me hubby.

Abhi: Glad to hear that wifey.

Saying this he kissed her cheeks.

Manik: (irritated) Guys can we concentrate on my love life right now? You can continue this later on.

Dhruv: Ok so who will call them?

Mukti: Me?

Dhruv: No not you.... If you call then Cabir might think it's your plan.

Abhi: I guess Navya you should call him.

Navya: What me? Why? I can't do this.

Mukti: Come on Navya it's just a phone call.

Navya: What will even say to him? You guys know how bad I am at lying, he will catch me lying within seconds. 

Alia: Navya Navya Navya just take a deep breaths ok. We will tell you what you are gonna say and you just have to inform him and then cut the call that's it. You can do it Navya. 

Navya: (taking a deep breath) Ok I can do it.

Mukti: That's like my girl.

Navya: Ok so tell me what do I have to do?

Alia: Call your husband and tell him that Manik fell from the stairs and is injured badly. Tell him to come as soon as possible.

She nodded and dialed Cabir's number. He received the call after a few rings.

Cabir: Navya I am busy right now can we talk later?

Navya: (in a crying tone) Cab..Cabir.

Cabir: Navya are you crying? Navya? (she purposely took a pause) Navya what's wrong? Why are you crying?

Navya: Cabir Ma..Manik.. He-

Cabir: Manik? What happened to Manik? 

Now listening to Manik's name even Nandini got alert.

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