L. P~ Flustered~

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The bet had been set. Two days. That was all the time Lucy and Y/n had to prepare for the inevitable sword fight against Caspian and Edmund.

It all started with a cocky comment on Lucy's end.

"Please, we could easily beat you."

"Yeah, and how do you suppose you'd do that?", Edmund smirks.

"We have strategies."

"Ah see, that's where your wrong, Sister. Skill beats strategy any day."

"Whatever.", Lucy rolls her eyes.

"How about we bet on it?", Caspian suggests, stepping forward.

"Alright. I'm in. Y/n/n?"

"You're on.", The girl laughs and moves to stand with Lucy.

"I'm in too."

"And obviously, I'm in. So what's your wager?"

The two girls exchange a look before nodding and turning back to the boys standing before them.

"If we win, you two have to do anything we ask for an entire week."

Edmund scoffs.

"Simple enough."

"And it you win?"

"You mean when, we win.", Caspian corrects her.

"What are you thinking, Ed?"

"I'm thinking if we win, you have to do whatever we ask for a week."

"Fair enough.", Y/n shrugs.

With one final challenging glance between the four, they broke apart and started preparing for the battle to come.

Now, Lucy was standing in front of Y/n, both of them holding swords.

"Are you ready?", The brunette asks.

"As I'll ever be."

Lucy rolls her eyes before throwing her attacks with the blade, all of which Y/n easily blocks or avoids. With one final motion, Y/n disarms Lucy completely and raises the blade near her neck.

"You've improved."


Lucy smirks as they take their places again.

"You're on."

Before Y/n can even ready her stance, Lucy is mercilessly attacking with her sword. Y/n has some trouble blocking the attacks at first, but she eventually gets the hang of it again.

In a shocking turn of events, Lucy does a fake out shot near Y/n's leg. The girl is distracted long enough for Lucy to gain the upper hand and back the other girl into the wall she is standing right in front of.

Lucy holds the blade up to the girl's neck, both of them breathing heavily.

Lucy smiles, admiring the beauty of the girl before her.

Neither of them are bothered by Lucy's action of throwing the sword to the floor. They are too caught up in each other.

Both of them are covered in sweat and out of breath, but for the two of them, that only makes the situation all the better.

Lucy notices the less than steady rising and falling of Y/n's shoulders. She smirks and takes the opportunity to lean in close to the Y/H/C ear.

"Do I make you nervous, Love?", Y/n nearly crumbles upon hearing the endearing term.

Her silence is enough to answer Lucy's question. The brunette smiles once again and lightly kisses Y/n's neck, not paying the girl's messy hair any attention as she does so.

She suddenly pulls away, smiling once again at the sound of the girl's whine.

"I do. Don't I?"

Y/n's face is completely red by this point, but Lucy finds it adorable and endearing.

She happily admired the girl's features as she lightly twirls a strand of Y/n's hair.

"You're so beautiful. You know that?"

"I guess.", The girl gulps as Lucy lightly trails her finger tips from her hair onto her cheek.

"So beautiful.", She mumbles.

"So are you."

Her comment takes the Pevensie grip by surprise.

"That's kind of you, but Susan-"

"Why do you compare yourself to her?"

"She's the second prettiest girl I know."

Even with red tinged cheeks, Y/n manages to give kind words that make Lucy's heart soar.

"You're perfect to me."

Lucy can't help but allow the small smile to take over her face at her kind words.

"That's means so much, coming from you."

"I mean every word."

"Do this mean you care about me?"

"In more ways than you'll ever know.", Y/n smiles.

Lucy takes a deep breath and a quick glance around the private room they are standing in.

"Can I kiss you?"

She nervously fiddles with her fingers, but Y/n grabs hold of her hands to stop the action.

"I would be honored."

Lucy takes a breath and releases Y/n's hands from her own before she leans in even closer to the girl.

At last, their lips meet and fireworks in splice in both girl's stomachs. Everything about the moment was special and perfect.

At first, Lucy had no idea what to do with her hands, but after their lips connected they seemed to grow a mind of their own. She was a bystander in the matter as her fingers tangled themselves in Y/n's soft hair. Her other hand, remained on the side of the beautiful girls' neck.

Y/n's own hands we're resting lightly on both sides of Lucy's face, gently cupping her cheeks as their soft lips danced.

Lucy begrudgingly pulled away from Y/n's sweet lips when they were disturbed by the putrid sound of knocking on the door.

"I know you're in there. Be on the deck in five minutes so we can start.", Edmund's voice says through the door.

Both girls stare at each other, holding their breath as they hear the retreating footsteps of Edmund.

Once they are sure he is gone, Y/n sighs and allows her head to rest against the wall.

Lucy also sighs and allows her head to fall forward, lightly colliding with Y/n's forehead.

Yet again, their ragged breathing is the only sound in the silent cabin.

"We should go.", Y/n says after a moment of quiet.

"We should.", Lucy sighs stepping away, allowing them both to grab their weapons again.

"What exactly does this mean then? For us?"

"I thought that kiss was enough to show you, Dear. Shall I answer you again?", Lucy smirks.

"I don't know what's gotten into you, but I love it."

Lucy only laughs in response.

"Come, let's go beat these boys arse's!"

Y/n smiles brightly and follows after the bubbly brunette girl onto the crowded deck.

Author's Note: This takes place in the Dawn Treader, although that's not that big a part of the story. Also, I imagined Lucy as 17 in this imagine.

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