•Till death do us part• (Rose Tyler x Fem.Reader)

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The familiar robotic voice was heard amongst the screams.

"Exterminate!", It whined.

You run as fast as you can only stopping momentarily, to help the injured people to their feet.

You soon ran into your girlfriend, Rose Tyler.

"Rose!", You shouted across the rocky terrain.

"Y/n!", She shouted back.

You two ran towards each other, meeting in the middle.

She immediately grabbed your waist and crashed her lips onto hers. You kiss her back with your hands feasting on her forearms.

Once she pulls away, she leans her forehead against your own slightly panting.

"I thought you were dead.", She whispered.

"I'm right here. Nothing's gonna happen. We're gonna be okay.", You whisper back.

She smiles slightly.

"Rose. I need to tell you something. I realize it might not be the best time, but I feel I need to say it. Rose Tyler-"

Your voice was replaced with a scream of pain.

Rose gasped after seeing your body crumple to the ground.

Behind you stood a Dalek, it was shot down soon after you.

She kneels down and pulls your head into her lap.

"R-Rose?", You ask.

"Hey. Hey, I'm right here baby.", She smiles; brushing the hair out of your face.

You try to sit up but lay back down after the excruciating pain in your back.

Rose is crying as she rocks slightly.

"It hurts"

"I know Sweets, I know. Everything's gonna be okay, like you said. The Doctor is almost here.", She whispers.

You look up at her and smile despite the war going on, in your mind and all around you.

You knew this was it. For real. You were a time lord, the Doctor's only friend even. But you had been foolish in your past regenerations. You died many times, each one even more stupid than the last.

This was your final death. Only you and the Doctor knew. You decided not to tell Rose, you didn't want her to worry. But now your afraid she'll do that anyway.

"Baby. Baby, I want you to move on."

"What? What are you saying? The Doctor will be here soon and we'll take care of the others while you regenerate. Then you'll have to show off your new look. God it really doesn't get easier does it? Having the love of your life change right before your eyes.", She said.

"No. That's not going to happen. This... this is it. But I want you to live on for me. Okay?"

She cries and shakes her head.

"No. Please no."

"It's okay. Let me go. You need to be happy, and if that means you grieve and move on then do that. The Doctor will be with you. He'll help you through it.", You said quietly.

Your breathing was getting shallow and your words were shaky. It didn't take a doctor to see what was happening. Then again, you could really use yours at the moment.

"Rosie. Listen to me. Please. Do it. That's all I want for you to do, okay?"

"Okay. Okay.", She gives in.

You smile slightly as the Doctor comes into view.

"Doctor! Look he's here. Your going to be okay. Come here!", She cried.

The Doctor rushes over and looks over Rose's shoulder.

He look at you sadly, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"What are you doing just standing there? Help her! Help her! DOCTOR!", She exclaims.

"I'm so sorry Rose. I'm so sorry. We-we can't. This is her last regeneration. It's over.", He whispers to her.

She shakes her head.

"No. No. This isn't happening. NO! I'm not letting go that easily!"

"Rosie Please.", You said too quiet for her to hear.

"Rose.", You say again.

She turns and look down at you before kneeling beside you again.

"Yes love?"

"Rose Tyler. I l-" Your words are cut short as you take your last breath.

"You what? Y/n? Y/n! Y/n! Wake up! No. No no no. This don't appending. Don't you die on me! Please no. Please. Don't leave me.", She cried.

The Doctor kneels behind her and hugs her.

She cries in his embrace.

"No. No. No no."

She breaks free from the Doctor's embrace and crawls towards your lifeless body.

"No. Baby. I love you. You hear that? I LOVE YOU!", She cried.

"I love you. I love you. I love you.", She was shaking as she cried into your chest.

The Doctor watched onto the scene trashing not to cry.

He looked up to see Daleks coming closer.

"Rose. Rose we need to go. Now.", He said.

"No! I can't just leave her here!", She refused.

He sighed before picking up your body.

Rose watched in shock as he started to walk towards the TARDIS. She wiped her eyes and ran after him.

Inside the TARDIS, he laid your body in your bedroom. Rose tucked you into bed and fixed your hair. She kissed your forehead before walking out of the room with the Doctor.

Rose and the Doctor comforted each other in the control room.

Meanwhile... in your bed room.

Your finger twitches. And you take a gasp. You sit up and walk to the door. Down the hallways. Enough to see into the control room. You take a step into the room.

To be continued.....

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