~Night Out~ D.R

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Author's Note: This is a Rossi x reader story. They are engaged and there is a significant age gap. Rossi is 47 in this and the reader is 24. I will not accept any criticism on the matter, any rude comments will be blocked and deleted.

After another gruesome case, the BAU Team decided a night out was well worth their time.

Y/n was happy that her fiancé, was up to it.

When they walked into the bar, they were met with one of Penelope Garcia's famous hugs.

"Y/n! Rossi!"

"Hey Pen!", Y/n smiled at her.

After hugging them both, Penelope ran back over to where the rest of the team was seated, taking her spot by Derek.

Y/n and David followed soon after.

"Hey guys.", JJ smiled.


"Alright, I'm gettin tired of this. Who wants to join me on the dance floor?", Morgan sighs.

Penelope and Emily were the only ones that volunteered, but he dragged JJ and Spencer out with him as well.

Y/n laughed as they tried to get her to save them.

"Sorry guys."

"I'm going to go get us some drinks, you want anything?", She turns to David.

"Just some red.", He smiles.

"Ok.", She giggles slightly as he kisses her cheek.

"Thank you, Bella."

She makes her way to the bar and orders their drinks, but the bar is pretty busy so she has to wait for a bit.

Suddenly, a blonde man is in her peripheral so she turns to acknowledge him.


"Hey, Hotstuff.", The man grins at her.

Y/n grimaces and tries not to groan.

Great, another flirt.

"Hate to break it to you bud, but (holds up hand, showing off her ring.) I'm taken."

The man doesn't miss a beat when he replies.

"So what's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone, anyways?"

Y/n tilts her head, still grimacing.

"I'm sorry. I don't think you heard me. I am taken.", She annunciates the words.

"Oh I heard you. I just don't care.", He shrugs.

Y/n rolls her eyes and turns back to face the bartender. She bites her lip as she watches him rush around taking orders.

Please hurry up.

Her attention is brought back to the blonde man, when he touches her waist with his hand.

"What do you think your doing?", She sharply turns around.

"Just having some fun. Relax, Babe."

Y/n let's out an involuntary shake at the nickname.

"Just leave me alone.", She says, forcefully removing his hand.

But the man refuses and simply puts his hand back with an even tighter grip.

Y/n struggles to attempt to get away from him, but his grip is too tight.

"What are you? Stop that. Stop moving. Sto-", The man asks as she squirms in his grip.

He has had enough, so he forcefully grabs both her shoulders and stops her from moving.

"I said stop you stupid bitch!", He hisses.

Y/n struggles one more time and the man shakes his head.

"Are you deaf? Stop!"

When Y/n doesn't do as he says, the man raises his hand back as if he's about to slap her.

Either way, he doesn't get the chance because his hand is grabbed midair and he is forcibly dragged away from her.

The man angrily turns around to see David.

"Leave my girl alone.", He spits at the blonde.

"Your girl?", The man scoffs.

"What, are you her grandpa?"

"No. I'm her fiancé."

"As if."

"Better believe it buddy."

"Whatever old man, you win this time. But let's both remember who would win if we were actually going to fight for her hand."

The blonde goes to walk off but David speaks up again.

"Was that a threat?"

"You know what, yes. Yes it was. I'll be going now, grandpa."

Y/n's jaw clenches as she tries to move past David to yell at the blonde but he stops her.

"Who are you calling Grandpa?"

"You. What are you anyways, 60?"

"No. But you will be by the time you out of prison."

"What?", The man asks confused.

"Oh I'm sorry. Did you not know?"

"Know what?"

"That's a federal agent you've just assaulted, and I'm the federal agent you've just threatened."

The blonde's eyes go wide.

"Now. You have two choices here. One, you can walk off and we forget all about this. Or two, you continue with the threats and assault and I arrest you."

The blonde gulps and quickly runs off without another word.

David smirks and turns back to Y/n, who has calmed down by now.

David takes two steps before pulling her into his arms.

"Are you alright, Amore?"

"Better now that your here. Thank you, by the way."

"Of course.", He smiles before kissing her forehead.

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