~Taken~ S.L (Request)

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Y/n L/n. A normal person dating the god of mischief herself, Sylvie Laufeydottir.

Sylvie and Y/n have been dating for two years now. After meeting at the TVA, the two became close and eventually started dating.

A few months ago, the two escaped the TVA and were currently living a normal life.

Sylvie is planning to propose to Y/n on their date this evening. The plan was to have dinner at a nice restaurant, and a quiet walk through the park as Y/n admired the flowers, something they loved to do.

Sylvie was beyond excited as well as nervous as she prepared for their date.

Y/n however, was nervous for a very different reason.

They were walking back home from work at a local coffee shop, when they were harshly grabbed and thrown against a concrete wall.

Disoriented and in pain, Y/n could not defend them self and soon lost conciseness from the pain in their head.

When they awoke however, they did not find themselves where they had last been. They found that they were now in an abandoned storage facility. It was eerily quiet and dark.

Y/n failed to notice a man walking up behind them and attack them.

The attack was vicious and left Y/n with several bruises and scars.

As well as other injuries: Two broken fingers, a dislocated shoulder and a concussion.

Meanwhile, Sylvie sat anxiously waiting for Y/n to arrive at the restraunt, but they were nowhere to be found.

Sylvie was starting to worry, so she tried calling Y/n's call but there was no answer.

Sylvie sighed and walked out of the restaurant. She walked down the street and decided to call Y/n one more time. When she did, she heard the familiar sound of the song 'Maneater' playing in the distance.

Sylvie was confused but she followed the sound, until she found Y/n's discarded phone and bag.

An awful feeling erupted in Sylvie upon the sight. She grabbed her lover's belongings before heading off home to figure out where they could be.

Sylvie tried everything she could think of until she remembered that Y/n always wears a necklace that tracks their movements in case of emergencies. Sylvie pulled up the tracker and found the green blinking dot was at an abandoned storage facility.

She sighed in relief. The necklace had some extra features, including the ability to detect the person's heartbeat and levels.

Soon after, Sylvie rushed out to the location.

Once she arrived, she was met by absolutely no security and no troubles in the whole facility.

That is until she reached the room when Y/n was being held.

There were at least 10 men in all black attire, standing no waiting for someone to come in the door.

Sylvie acted quickly and fought hard. She decided it would be easier to enchant them into fighting one another rather than wasting her energy, and she did just that.

After the guards were dealt with, Stevie proceeded into the dark room to find a man holding Y/n in his clutches, forcing a knife onto their neck.

"Please. Please don't do this.", Y/n cried.

"SHUT UP!", The man shouted, shoving the knife deeper into their neck.

"STOP! STOP IT! What do you want?", Sylvie shouted.

The man chuckled.

"I want you, in exchange for your precious angel.", The man said.


"It's a deal.", Y/n and Sylvie shouted at the same time.

"It looks like your free to go.", The man said pushing Y/n to the ground harshly.

"Don't hurt them. If they get hurt, the deal is off.", Sylvie said helping Y/n up before hugging them tightly.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Angel.", Sylvie cried into Y/n's shoulder.

"It's alright. I'm alright. You have no reason to be sorry. Ok? I love you.", Y/n smiled, pulling away from Sylvie slightly.

Sylvie nodded and pressed her lips to Y/n's in a sweet gentle kiss.

"I love you too. Be safe, okay?"

"For you? Always."

Susie chuckled slightly before standing up and walking behind the man.

She friend and shared a mischievous glance with Y/n.

Y/n gave her a knowing look and nodded.

Sylvie tapped the man's shoulder and he turned around with a raised brow.

"Yes?", He spat.

"You forgot one thing."

Sylvie decked him in the jaw.

Before he could recover, she kicked him in the gut and he fell to the floor; writhing in pain.

Sylvie picked the man up by his collar before spiting.

"I'm the god of mischief. Don't you remember? Also, you don't touch my lover, understood?"

The man said nothing and Sylvie stared to break is arm before he cried, "I understand!".

"Good. Now off to the authorities you go.", She said handing the man off to the police waiting just outside.

She saw Y/n walk shakily out behind her, before pulling them into a bone crushing hug.

"I can't believe that just happened.", Y/n said.

"Me neither. But I'm so happy you're alright.", Susie said giving them a kiss on the forehead.

"Can I take a rain check on that date night?", Y/n asked and Sylvie laughed.

"Take all the time you need."

"As long as you're by my side.", Y/n smiled.


Thank you so much, khoffart1590 for requesting this story. I hope you enjoy it.

This is my first time use if they/them pronouns so sorry if it's not that good. I also wrote it in like 30 minutes.

I loved writing this for you and I'll be sure to work on your other one soon.

I'm sorry to the others that have had to wait for their requests, I'm currently writing this while at my grandparents house and there is like nothing to do sooo. Anyways, have a great day or night!

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