Missing •H.P•

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Ron walked up to Harry with disheveled hair and puffy eyes.

"Hey Ron! Where's Y/n?", Harry asked oblivious to his best friends state.

"I'm so sorry Harry. I-I tried to find her but I I ca-cant!", The red head cried.

"Ron, what's the matter?"

"It's Y/n! Sh-she's gone!", He shouted.

"She's missing.", Ron managed to say.

"Missing what do you mean she's missing?", Harry shouted angrily.

"How can you lose someone with flaming red hair? How?", He continued on the verge of tears.

Y/n and Harry have been dating for 2 years now. Y/n is a Weasley. She's right between Ron and Ginny. This is also her 5th year at Hogwarts, along with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"I also found this.", Ron said handing Harry a small ring.

He grabbed it and cried harder.

"She never takes this off. Something bad has happened.", He said gravely.

Ron nodded his head in agreement.


Y/n was currently in the Malfoy Manor, surrounded by death eaters and the Dark Lord himself.

"What should we do, my lord?", Bellatrix Lestrange asked.

"We wait for the boy to find her, then we get answers. One way or another.", He replied sinisterly.

Back with the boys

Hermione was informed of the situation and was devastated.

But Harry was determined to find Y/n. No matter what.

"We have to find her. There has to be something somewhere.", He said before walking off and inspecting the assumed abduction site.

He found a piece of paper with coordinates on it and showed his friends. They agreed to check it out.

After arriving at the place, the trio found themselves in a dark cave.

Harry peered through a small hole, that was emitting a strange light and saw Y/n lying on a glass slab in the middle of the room.

He quickly blasted through the rock and ran to her side.

When he arrived, he laced their fingers together.

Expecting to feel the usual warmth of her hands, he was quite shocked to feel how cold they were.

There were tears streaming down all of their faces.

Hermione and Ron decided to give Harry a minute alone.

"I'm so sorry. This wasn't meant to happen. You were meant to be happy. We were. We were supposed to get married and have 3 lovely kids, and we were supposed to grow old together. You were supposed to be happy doing what you loved and I was supposed to be happy doing what I loved: loving you.", He cried still joking her hand in his own.

"I'm so sorry."

There was this thing they always did. Harry would give Y/n his hand, and she would kiss it.

In that moment, he decided to do that one last time.

So, he held his hand to her cold lips for a few second before kissing her cheek softly for the last time.

He walked out of the room crying because he couldn't bare to see her like this anymore.

This is part 1 of this story. Part 2 will be pretty interesting so stay tuned! I hope you enjoyed this part.

Have a great weekend❤️

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