•Trouble at Home• Mauraders x Reader

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Y/n had never considered herself to be weird, not really. She always thought that everyone had multiple crushes at the same time.

She didn't know how rare it was for one person to have crushes on three boys at the same time, and long to be with them all, together.

But that soon changed.

The beginning of her fourth year at Hogwarts, proved to be very exciting.

She had finally decided it was time to admit her feelings for the three boys, and face the consequences.

To her relief, they all felt the same and they started dating shortly after.

But, now, in her sixth year Y/n was dreading leaving her boyfriend's company. She much preferred them to where she was headed.

At home, Y/n's younger sister S/N, has suddenly contracted a very bad infection. The healers can't do anything for her, so Y/n's parents are forcing her to come say goodbye.

But that wasn't even the worst part of the trip. No. The worst part would be facing her parents again.

Two years prior she had offhandedly made a comment about one of her "friends" having a crush on multiple people and wanting to date them all.

Her parents reactions told her everything she needed to know, and that was that they could never find out about her relationship.

Y/n was in tears by the end of the conversation. They were appalled anyone could do that, and they even berated her for her "friend's" actions. They made her promise to stop hanging around that friend, so she couldn't be corrupted by their demonic ways.

But now, as she watched the land pass by as she sat on the train, Y/n wished she could have been wrapped up in the warm embrace of her boys. The cold compartment was doing nothing to ease her nerves.

Soon after, the train finally stopped and Y/n has to take several deep breaths before leaving the train and begrudgingly make her way to her parents home.

She was greeted by their upset faces.

"Y/n. I'm so glad your here, S/n resting for now. Why don't you run in and start the dishes, your father and I need to chat."

Y/n nearly rolled her eyes at the immediate orders tumbling out of her mother's mouth. Nothing new, of course.

She sighed and did as her mother had told her.

Time Skip

Her next few days consisted completely of chores and her parents work, while they sat lazily chatting all day.

That is until she heard the commotion from downstairs while she was sweeping up her father's study.

"Y/N!", Her father's booming voice erupted form down the stairs.

She physically cringed at his tone, before running down the stairs.

"Yes, Fathe- What are you doing here?", Standing in front of her fuming parents, were her three boyfriends.

Remus and Sirius both offered her apologetic looks, while James grinned at her like a puppy. He obviously hadn't noticed her father's tone or the other boys' faces.

"Y/n/n!", He crossed the room and hugged her tightly.

"Hey, Jamsie.", She smiles, carefully wrapping her arms around his back.

He pulls away shortly after to see Y/n's parents smiling at them.

"This must be your boyfriend. Nice to meet you, boy.", Her mother held her hand out.

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