-Now defend him, stop living in fairy tales Eyra; Daeron Targaryen never existed. Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey are the bastard sons of ser Harwin Strong - Aegon yells at the girl

-Then it means that my son will also be a bastard, but I will not treat him as such, or as you treat our grandchildren - Eyra speaks with tears that began to sprout from his eyes; then he turns to Aemond and exclaims:

-You lied to me! You're a liar. Last night you said that you would not abandon me anymore, now you are fighting against me for the person I love; you should be ashamed. Obviously not you, Lena, you did nothing - speak Eyra.

-Ra, in fact they are not all wrong. Among all people Lucerys is not the most suitable to attend- speaks Haelena

-You too? I can't believe you can't be happy for me and put aside your disagreements- exclaim frustrated Eyra

-Put aside the disagreements Eyra? Luke took away Aemond's eye- speaks Haelena

- No Haelena, it was I who gouged out his eye and if you continue like this, I will take out your eyes and your tongues for all three of you -

-Of course you did, but I'm sure they made you do it- Aegon speaks

-And who told you this, you imbecile- Eyra asks, but does not give Aegon time to answer that says:

- Wait, let me guess, it was Mom. I can't believe it, and you even believed her, but what kind of gullible people you are. When you realize that you are just a pawn in his game with Otto- speak bluntly Eyra

-We are not pawns, Mom loves us and would not do something like this to me- Haelena speaks with a dubious voice

- Yes, she has brainwashed you. She made sure to turn against your sister, to hate your grandchildren; in short, it is impossible that you are so blind! And even if she didn't, why can't you be happy for me? Now I ask you, what would you do if my son was born a bastard, you would love him anyway, or would you abandon me and him? - asks Eyra but nobody answers her or looks her in the eyes

- I can't believe your silence hurts me more than a thousand stab wounds; you would abandon me like a whore just for the status my son would have

- Please leave, I'm not feeling well- Eyra speaks from her wardrobe 

- Please leave, I'm not feeling well- Eyra speaks from her wardrobe 

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-Ra, we didn't mean that, let us explain...- but before Haelena could answer, Eyra cried out in tears:

-I said get out! -

After this outburst they all left her room and Eyra fell to her knees sobbing:

-Why, what have I done wrong to deserve this. I cannot love someone because my family hates him and judges me for this -

Eyra wept all night until she fell asleep; the morning arrived too early and Mary, Eyra's lady, woke her up and told her that her father wanted her to break her fast with him and his family

-Okay, tell my dad I'm going to take a bath and I'll be there. Could you prepare me a nice hot bath with the new oils- asks kindly Eyra

-Yes, princess. Here, a waitress told me that she was looking for this book- said Mary handing a rather familiar diary to the girl who, after having carefully analyzed it, opened her eyes in amazement and asked:

-Mary, who gave it to you? -

-I don't know my princess, I think this servant was new, even if she was a certain age- reply Mary

- Thank you Mary you can go- talks Eyra who, this time, decides to hide the diary in her pillow case and then read it later. 

In the course of her undressing to take a shower and putting her reflection in the mirror, she instinctively brings her hands to her growing stomach and says:

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In the course of her undressing to take a shower and putting her reflection in the mirror, she instinctively brings her hands to her growing stomach and says:

-I will always protect you, whether you are a bastard or not. You are the most important thing that exists from now on-

Having finished bathing, Eyra gets dressed and heads for breakfast; as soon as her mother enters the note and says:

- You're finally here, what a hideous face you have, have you by any chance slept a wink tonight-

Before Eyra could answer, Alicent interrupted her by saying:

-No matter, Rhaenyra answered the letter, they will arrive tomorrow morning- 

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