Reactions and Yelling

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~reeree am I right•_• this one's a bit angsty I guess soooooo... TW->blaming, hysterics, yelling, overwhelmation, talk of potential death


"What?" Foolish asks, completely flabbergasted by the information he's just been told.

Techno sits there, seriously hoping he doesn't have to say it all again.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait." Foolish says, shaking his head and squinting his eyes, staring at the corner where walls and floor meet.

Techno continues to sit there, waiting.

"You're telling me, that there's an 'entity' loose in the SMP, and you're going to take me to a ball, being run by this thing, where I could potentially die?!" Foolish asks, before standing up and starting to pace.

"It's mostly hypothetical and potential. We don't know for sure if he's actually-" Techno starts, immediately becoming angry when the younger cuts him off.

"No! No. I don't care if it's 'hypothetical'. It's still dangerous! I could still die! And not even mentioning the others who have no idea they're being thrown into a murder party." Foolish says, pointing an accusatory finger at Techno, becoming more and more hysteric by the second.

"Hey! I'm not keeping this a secret for no reason. I told you, if Dark finds out we know he's here, then he'll attack when everyone, even those who know, aren't expecting it. Thus!... putting more people at risk!" Techno yells, not because he wants to yell, but because he's trying to hear himself over the ever growing sound of the voices in his head.

Foolish grips and tugs at his own hair, being confused, and not liking being yelled at. It's a bit hypocritical of him to yell at Techno then get mad when the other yells back, but he's not thinking very straight right now.

"And what then? Those people who don't know... what do they do when Dark appears and tries to murder them?! Huh?!" Foolish asks, really feeling the need to punch something right about now.

"Shhhhhh!" Techno shushes the other, not wanting Dark's name to possibly be heard by anyone outside.

"Don't 'shhhh' me! You're trying to kill me!" Folkish snaps.

"I'm not trying to kill you! I am simply trying to inform you, so you don't get mad afterwards! You don't have to be thankful for the warning! I don't care! Just fucking take the warning and decided how you're going to handle yourself in a non-suspicious manner!" Techno yells, the walls practically shaking with the force of his voice as he desperately clings to the small whisper of his own voice, in his own ears.

Foolish takes a shaky breath, noticing how desperate Techno had started sounding. He didn't know why the other sounded like that, but he knew it wasn't for Foolish to start listening to him, that's for sure.

"How am I not supposed to act suspicious?! How am I not supposed to be scared?! If there's a high chance I'm dying, then I'm not going." Foolish says, crossing his arms and huffing like a child. He catches himself acting like that, and drops his arms to his sides. (Not that there's anything wrong with acting 'childlike')

"You have to go." Techno's voice suddenly sounds very hoarse, scratching in a way that sounds painful. (It's giving 'Jesse' by Mr. White) "If you don't go. He'll know something is up. And then he'll find a way to find you. And then you're dead." Techno's eyes looks glossy, like a glaze has been put over them, like it's a struggle for him to look in the general direction, cause he sure wasn't looking anywhere specific right now, of the other.

"I don't want to die." Foolish states, clenching his fists at his sides.

"I know. But if you don't go. There's a guarantee that you die." Techno says.

"And if he isn't actually here? What if all your little theories aren't true? What then?" Foolish asks.

"It's not for certain that he is there. But given my experience with him in the past, it's very likely that he is. And it's very likely that he is as blood thirsty as ever, and even more power hungry." Techno says, gripping his own knees tight enough for his fingers to turn white with the pressure.

"Great. Great. But I asked, what if he isn't here?" Foolish restates his question.

"Then it's even more dangerous, because he could be anywhere. So let's hope!... that he is there, so we don't have to worry every single second, that he's lurking behind a corner, reading to attack at any moment!" Techno says, raising his voice again at the end as the voices regain the space in his head that he'd somehow pushed them out of temporarily.

"Shit. Shit!" Foolish yells, his hands again pulling at his own hair.

"'Shit' is right." Techno says, standing, suddenly very angry and fed up with the other man in the room. "So get yourself together, and not a mention of this around or to Dream. Got it?"

Foolish nods, not moving for his place near the door.

"Good." Techno breathes deeply a few times before exiting the room, closing the door behind himself.

He calmly walks up the stairs, and into his and Dream's shared room. Was the 'get yourself together' for Foolish or himself? He can't really tell as he finally lets the voices taking full rein of his mind, the voices piercing his ears even though they weren't speaking aloud.

Techno covers his ears, knowing it won't help his situation, but still having something to focus on that isn't the voices is helpful.


~my brain refuses to accept that neither Daniel nor Mick will be on the grid next season... it's just too sad for my little heart to fathom. DANIEL'S ONE OF MY FAVORITE DRIVERS AND I HAVE COME TO LOVE MICK AND HIS WHOLESOME LITTLE BEING!!!!!! I'm fine. Hope you enjoyed :)

Part 2 Remember ~Dreamnoblade~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz