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Hello people:D

I apologize for the lack of content these past few months. This story is NOT dead. I promise you that, dead reader. DO NOT FRET! The author wishes he could find the motivation to sit down and write some stuff but he is struggling greatly on a day to day basis.

Do not worry though. Author is safe, and all is well in that regard. What the problem is, is mental health... is a bitch. And thus~ motivation is a bitch.

Author is not taking a break, author is simply trying to take their own pressure off of themself so they don't feel obligated to post every Sunday.

To be clear, author feels no pressure from the dear beloved readers and feels only pressure from himself. This is okay though... because now author has learned from his experiences and has learned to put less pressure on himself and focus on the fun factor of writing.

Author very much enjoys writing this story and hates that motivation has decided to be an elusive little sl*t-

Anywhozle. Just wanted to update my lovlies on what's going on right now. I know you don't need an explanation for my absence but author has ocd and feels bad not sharing reasons for doing certain things.

Have a wonderful rest of your day, and stay cool 😎.

Love you my lovlies, author will get back to writing when his brain stops being a little bitch:)

                                     -your amazingly talented author *fuck boi lip bite*

Part 2 Remember ~Dreamnoblade~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat