Memory Swimming

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~okay. Who stole my motivation? Speak up. TW-> there's more than a few moments of heavier topics in this one but none of them go too in depth and are just brief glances but if you wish to skip then feel free too and you can be updated in the comments (if you ask) of the next part when it comes out. Stay safe


He's running. From what? He doesn't quite know. All he knows is that he needs to run, he can't be caught.

There's laughter, why is there laughter, this is no laughing matter, he's being chased, this is life or death-

It's his laughter. But it's a child. This child's laughter is coming from him...

The laughter spikes when he's lifted by the arms of a middle aged woman, blonde hair loosely held at the top of her head in a bun shape. Her round glasses almost fall off her nose before he pushes them back up for her.

"I got you." She says in a 'googy' voice (idk how to describe it...), tickling his stomach and Eskimo kissing him.

He laughs more, closing his eyes and reopening them to see a whole different woman, this one is much older.

He jumps at the sudden change and tries to squirm out of this woman's boney grasp.

Her grip on him is one that is much less warm than the previous woman's.

"Quit squirming you little shit." She hisses. "Sit still and be quite."

He continues to squirm, very much not liking this woman's tone or the potential threat that she held in her gray hair.

"Sit still." She says, emphasizing the 'still' with a slap across his face.

But the slap doesn't hit him... it hits the lady from before. And it's not the old woman, it's a man.

He's sitting on the floor, looking up at the two adults. They're arguing, it looks like. He can't hear them.

He doesn't have time to hear them before he's swept up by a young girl who is taller than him.

He look out around them and they're in a field and he's being spun around by this girl. She also has blonde hair and green eyes. Her freckles were accentuated by her rosy cheeks that were brought to life by her wide smile.

He was set down as she ran a ways away to a small patch of flowers where she bent down and picked one, bringing it back to him and placing in his hair before he's hit with another slap.

This one hits him and when he looks up he sees  the man from before; the one that had hit the woman.

"Get that damn stuff off your face and come back to me when you can be a real man." He yelled at him, wiping a pink substance off of the hand that had slapped him onto his pants.

He wiped his eyes that were... watering? Crying?

It didn't matter because when he reopened his eyes he was met with the first woman.

She was standing over him. He was on the ground looking up at her and he was beside a building. There was a kid looking over the edge of the roof at them and there was a throbbing pain in the back of his head as the woman scooped him up in her arms.

His vision went black and when it came back he was peaking through a crack in a door way. No. It was a closet door he was peaking through. He was in a closet, hiding, looking out of the small crack and letting only the smallest bit of light in.

Who was he hiding from. Was this another game? Was it actually life or death?

He jumps back against the clothes as the door to the room in which the closest was in slams open.

He leans forwards to peak at who it was but the closet door opens and it's the field again.

He walks out into the field as the girl from before rushes past him, running ahead and motioning for him to follow.

He looks around before running after her.

She runs in circles for a while, yelling back at him that he'll 'never catch her alive'.

He laughs before tripping.

He lands on his stomach and turns over to be met with the man from before, holding him down. He can't tell what's happening as he fights against the man, pushing, clawing, kicking, but it's no use, he's stronger, larger.

He blacks out again and opens his eyes to two people in front of him, looking at him questioningly.

"What's the mask for?" One asks.

"Just like it." He says, not thinking about his response.

"Guys!" Someone yells from behind.

He turns to see who it is but the scene changes again. This time it's the man again. Standing in the doorway of whatever room he was in now.

He looks down and sees his shirt halfway taken off. He starts to pull it back down.

The man clears his throat and leans against the door frame with an expectant look on his face.

He takes a deep breath, taking the shirt off as quickly as possible and reaching for the one that was laid on the bed.

He puts it on a quick as possible and in the second his eyes are covered, the scene changes and he's met with the man again, this time as close as the other time when he was under him.

The man throws something to the side which he doesn't have time to look at as he's being shaken by his shoulders.

"Wake up, Dream!" Techno yells as Dream opens his eyes, breathing heavily, sweat dripping down his face along with tears.

Dream is confused. This feels more real than before but he's not sure.

"It's okay. It's okay now. It was a dream. You're awake now. I'm here. You're here. We're here, together." Techno says, pulling Dream into a tight, comforting, hug.

Dream knows the name of this person. He knows this person. It's real. It was a dream. A very real dream...


~ayo, Dream's dreaming again... but this time it's a bunch of... *whispers~ memories ~whispers* but you heard nothing from me. I felt like doing Dream lore today so that what we get. Hope you enjoyed :)

Part 2 Remember ~Dreamnoblade~Where stories live. Discover now