A Royal Fitting and Some Backup Requests

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~that video YouTube put out on Technoblade really got in my damn feels man😭🥹


"What time will Niki arrive to show me what she's made?" Eret asks, adjusting the collar of their shirt.

"After lunch, sir." Skeppy says, standing just inside the bedroom door.

"Good. What is for lunch?" The king asks, starting to touch up his hair, leaning closer to the mirror they stood in front of.

"I haven't been to the kitchen yet today, sire." Skeppy says, shifting his heels slightly where they pressed against the floor. (He's wearing shoes, this kind of makes it sound like he's not wearing shoes)

"Will you go check?" Eret asks. Speaking it as a command.

"Yes, sir." Skeppy says, bowing as he backs out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"Finally, thought you'd never get rid of him." A voice speaks from the bed, where something had just dropped from the ceiling.

Eret's posture stiffens with the presence of the other.

"How much longer until this 'royal ball' of ours?" The voice asks.

Eret hadn't dared let their eyes leave his own in the reflection of the mirror. Not letting himself look at the other.

"Two days." Eret says, firmly.

"Mmm." The other hums. "I can hardly wait, Kingey boy."

Eret swallows hard, throat dry. They clench their teeth; who would've thought he'd come to hate the shadows.

"Oh, don't be mad, Kingey. It'll all be over soon." The other says, still laying in the shadow beneath the canopy of the bed. "If all goes to plan, that is."

Eret let's his eyes fall shut, taking a deep breath, grounding themself. "It's all set. I doubt anything will go wrong."

"You better be sure of that, your kinglyness." The other says firmly. "The guard should be back soon. I'll see you later, kingey boy."

Eret doesn't say a goodbye as the other climbs back into whatever shadow place they lived in.

Less than a minute later, Skeppy returns, knocking three times before entering the room.

The time between the first knock and the swift opening of the door are all Eret has to compose themselves back into the formal king he now was.

"Your highness." Skeppy greets. "The chef says that rabbit, with a side of baked potatoes and green beans is for lunch. There will also be gravy to go along with it." The guard says, returning to his position by the door.

"Very well." Eret says, adjusting the already straight cuff of his sleeve.


"You're going to the ball with me." Techno says, entering Toua's room after knocking on the door.

The other hybrid doesn't look up from her book to ask, "Why?" Toua asks, not delighted by the concept of crowds.

"Because." Techno says, not wanting to admit that he might need back up in the potential situation that may occur at this ball.

Toua glances up at him before looking back down at her book, not saying anything.

"You know way more about these creatures than I do." Techno says.

"'These creatures'?" Toua asks, not having been told that Dark was back.

"Shit, right." Techno says under his breath. He runs a hand over his face, thanking about how to phrase this, glad that Dream was currently napping and wouldn't be able to overhear their conversation.

Part 2 Remember ~Dreamnoblade~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora