How long can you hold your breath?

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~it's my birthday today (may 23) so I decided to update one day late because I didn't have an idea for a 'celebration' thing. Also about my crush, I finally told them the other day and they said they didn't feel the same way but they were really cool about it and they even said they'd like to get to know me better (I'm a friend way) which I'm still cool with *happy author noises* TW-> almost drowning


"Shut up, bitch." Tommy says through laughs, playfully pushing Tubbo who was also laughing.

Tubbo, Tommy, Ranboo, and Toua were all currently sitting on the dock off of the town square as the sun set.

The adults had kicked them, the children, out of the house while they figured things out because apparently something had happened while Ranboo and Tommy were gone yesterday.

"I bet I could hold my breath longer than you." Tommy says, pointing at Tubbo once they'd gotten their giggles under control.

"I highly doubt that." Tubbo says. "You'd probably only last two seconds."

"Is that a sex joke?" Tommy says, bursting into a loud laughing fit afterwards.

"That's probably true, too." Tubbo says, holding his stomach and wiping a tear from his eye.

Ranboo and Toua just look at each other, silently judging the pair, one more sincerely judging that the other.

"You." Tommy says, pointing at the youngest of the group. "How long can you hold your breath?"

"Pretty long." Toua says in a monotone voice.

"I bet I'd beat all three of you in a breath holding challenge." Tommy says, crossing his arms across his chest.

"I'd like to see you try." Tubbo says, standing up and walking to the edge of the dock.

"You dare challenge the king of breath holding?" Tommy asks, standing.

"You challenged us." Ranboo says, still sitting.

"Shush, Ranny." Tommy says. "How cold is the water?"

"You're about to find out." Tubbo says, grabbing Tommy's arm and pulling him towards the lake, falling in after the older teen.

"Ahh!" Tommy yelps before hitting the water.

They both resurface, one laughing, the other sputtering but still laughing.

"What the fuck, man?" Tommy complains, laughing, sending a weak wave of water over towards Tubbo.

"That the best splash you got?" Tubbo asks, splashing the taller.

"We were here for a breath holding contest." Tommy says, splashing the younger back.

"You two wanna join?" Tubbo asks, looking at the two who remained on the dock.

Ranboo shakes his head and Toua doesn't respond.

"Please?" Tommy begs.

"Wait- Ranboo can't." Tubbo says, realizing that Ranboo can't be in water above the shoulder. (The author definitely didn't forget about this fact and definitely didn't have to backtrack...)

"Cause he's a pussy." Tommy says, making sure that afterwards Ranboo had known it was a joke. "Will you participate in the contest?" He asks, turning to Toua.

"Why did that sentence sound so weird coming from you?" Tubbo asks, laughing.

"What do you mean?" Tommy asks.

Part 2 Remember ~Dreamnoblade~Where stories live. Discover now