My Dear Beloved Readers

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If you are unaware of the news, I suggest you watch Techno's newest video.

I am heartbroken, numb, I'm denial, and baffled. My brain has not yet processed the news.

As a person who struggles with "correctly feeling" things like grief and loss and sadness, I am very very conflicted right now.

Techno was easily my favorite YouTuber and streamer. I was able to watch him without getting overwhelmed or having to skip parts because it was too loud/triggered something in me anxiety wise.

If any of you need to talk through your feelings feel absolutely free to join me in the comments of this chapter or even private message me.

I'm here for you, we're all in this together. This isn't the end of Technoblade.

He will forever live on in our hearts.

Technoblade never dies.


I am greatly debating wether or not to continue this story. This story was and is a coping mechanism for me. It is something that brings me joy to right. It gives me joy to see that you all enjoy it as well. I don't want to take away something that brings us all joy, but I don't want to offend anyone by continuing this story.

I feel like it'd help me and a lot of you if I continued this story and that just forgetting about it and leaving it behind would eat  me up inside because that's just how my brain works.

Please please please, dear beloved reader. Tell me your honest thoughts on if I should continue or not. Don't tell me if you'll still read it or not, just tell me if I should keep writing.

I love all of you. You're all valid. All of your struggles are valid. The way you deal with grief is valid. Please please please reach out to me or absolutely anyone if you need help, ever.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

I love you my lovlies<3

Part 2 Remember ~Dreamnoblade~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora