Dont be suspicious. Dont be suspicious. (That one tiktok sound)

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~I can't be the only one who when they find a new like series or interest that involves watching something (such as F1 or stranger things or the DreamSMP) my brain just automatically self inserts myself as a character in that world and I have little 'existence moments' where my brain basically role plays with just myself alone in my room having conversations and interacting with the canon characters of the interest at hand. And then immediately stops doing that for that one particular fandom whenever it finds a new one to be a part of... that can't just be me... (ps that's how Toua came to be... then she died when I became interested in F1 and that me died when stranger things four came out.) idk man... anyways... onto the story...


"What happened in there?" Tubbo asks and Techno exits the castle through the front doors.

"I- he's fine, I guess..." Techno says. "He denied even having you over for dinner."

"What?!" Tubbo essentially shrieks in disbelief.

"Yeah. I'm still very confused. They said he'd just been down in the kitchen eating dinner with Skeppy." Techno says.

"That makes no sense." Skeppy says.

"Exactly. Dark must have done something..." Techno says, trailing off as he starts to think.

"You mean like... killing Eret and puppeteering his corpse around?!" Tubbo says franticly, his young, and damaged, brain coming up with the absolute worst case scenario.

"No! No. Tubbo- what the hell?" Skeppy says, shocked by the young teen's ability to even think such things.

"No. Dark can't do that... at least as far as I know." Techno says, continuing to think, glossing over what Tubbo had said as to not provoke the voices any more.

"What could he have done then?" AntFrost asks, also thinking.

Techno doesn't answer, not really having heard the other over his voices getting overly excited despite Techno's best efforts to keep them calm.

"Oooooooo. Tubbo brings up a good point. We don't even know if Dark can do that type of thing. Yeah but what if he can??? He basically did that to Dream, didn't he? No. Nah, he was a part of Dream that why Dream had to... you know... *makes throat cutting sound*. Stop it. We'd have been able to tell if Eret were dead. Yeah we know what dead things look like. We sure do. That voice gets a different kind of excited at dead things. I DO NOT!!! Do too. Do not. Do too. Do not! Shut up! Both of you just shut up."

"Techno..." Skeppy says, waving his hand in front of the piglin hybrid's face.

"Huh? Yeah. What?" Techno asks, snapping back to reality.

"Have you thought of anything yet?" Skeppy asks.

"About wha- oh- uh... no." Techno says. "Wait, yeah I have." He says, shaking his head to focus on what's happening again. "Dark might have made a deal with Eret and might be somewhat puppeteering him by making Eret do what he wants. But. If we hint that we might know what Dark is doing it won't end well for anyone."

The others stand in silence, thinking, absorbing.

"Or I could be wrong and something else happened." Techno adds.

"I think we should keep a close eye on Eret. Make sure nothing happens but do it secretly." Skeppy says.

"Well you'd have to be the one to do most of that. They'll get suspicious if we hang out around him a bunch." Tubbo says.

"True. Me and Ant." Skeppy says.

"Mostly you. I don't spend all day with Eret so if I start doing that it'll also be suspicious." Ant says.

"Oh, right." Skeppy says.

"So let's figure out like a meeting spot or some way to get information to each other that isn't suspicious." Techno says.

"That might be difficult." Tubbo says. "What with me spending all my time with Tommy and Ranboo."

"And it's best if they don't know so they don't feel the need to get involved." Techno adds on.


"You're back! Oh my god, what was that about?!" Dream asks worriedly, running up to the hybrid who had just walked through the front door of the rental house. "And don't tell me that Tubbo guy is pregnant, I know that's a lie."

"Yeah, sorry about that..." Techno says. "Umm... can we talk about this upstairs?" He asks, glancing at the children who sat in the living room, watching intently.

"Why-" Dream asks before Techno is dragging him by his arm up the stairs and into their shared bedroom. (Oh my god they were roommates👀)

"It's about why your memory is gone. And I can't tell you the specifics because it means putting you and everyone else, but mostly you, in danger." Techno says.

"What?!" Dream exclaims.

"I know. I know. I really wish I could tell you but I- I- I- I can't because I don't wanna risk loosing you." Techno says, mentally kicking himself for stuttering.

Dream just looks down at where Techno had taken his hands in a form of comfort. "Okay... tell me what you can then." He says, trying not to sound annoyed or disappointed.

"Okay... uh- its something at the castle. A bad thing that's potentially happened to the king." Techno starts.

"Eret." Dream says, hoping he'd remembered correctly.

"Yeah." Techno says, proud of his little bean. "He might be under some kind of..." Techno pauses, thinking of how to word this. "Spell type thing, which means his decisions aren't completely his own. Like he's being controlled by something else."

Dream just stares at the other, waiting for him to say more.

"I don't want the... children(?) to know because I don't want them getting involved because it's dangerous. Right now only Tubbo, Skeppy, and AntFrost know so... please don't tell anyone else." Techno says.

"I know who one of those people are..." Dream says, sounding slightly sad.

"That's okay." Techno reassures him. "Just don't talk to anyone about it. I'll keep you updated because you deserve to know except that you can't know."

"So we're braking the rules?" Dream asks suggestively.

Techno blushes but continues to look at the other blankly, trying not to smile at the insinuation. "Yes..." he says, rolling his eyes.

"Dream smiles, even though Techno can't see it beneath the mask.


~remember when I used to post daily- 🧍oh how times have changed... anyways! I love you all and hope you fuckin know it. I want you to think about how much I fucking love you every night before you go to bed, because you all need your rest no matter how much you deny it. You hear me. Get some sleep. You deserve it! *aggressively kisses your nose to the point of braking it* *in an act of love might I add* hope you enjoyed:)

Part 2 Remember ~Dreamnoblade~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat