More Introductions and Some Backstory

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~I washed the moving 'Closet Monster' on Netflix the other day and it's pretty good, I recommend. Although I had no idea what was going on during the ending but that's probably because I didn't have the brain capacity that late at night to register whatever symbolism they were using... anyways-


"Why are you soaking wet again?!" Techno asks, hurrying to the front entryway when Toua enters. "And why do you have a half eaten doughnut?"

"Do I have to get a towel again?" Dream asks from their bedroom upstairs.

"We went swimming." Toua says. "And there used to be three but I ate the others."

"Yes! Please bring a towel!" Techno calls up the stairs. "Why do you guys always go swimming in your clothes?" He asks, shaking his head and making sure the young hybrid didn't step off the rug that sat just in side the front door.

"Here." Dream says, handing a towel to Toua and setting the other on the floor.

"Phil's back, by the way." Toua says, using the towel to dry off, starting with her hair."


"How old are you guys?" Tommy asks as they wait for Tubbo to return. Toua had just left after grabbing three doughnuts of her choice. Jack had complained about the water that was 'ruining his precious floors' but he complied and gave the baked goods anyways.

"Well, I believe I'm around seventeen maybe eighteen. I kind of lost track after we left our civilization." Aimsey says, putting a hand on their chin in thought.

"Or, more accurately, after they left us." Freddy says taking bite of his doughnut.

"Yeah... oh, and Freddy's the same age as me." She adds.

"Interesting." Phil says. "What civilization did you live with before?"

"Uh... I don't really think it had a name. We were just a group of several families that traveled from campsite to campsite. I don't think we ever settled in one place for more than a week before moving again." Aimsey says.

"Yeah. They're probably still out there, but having settled down even after all this time." Freddy says. "Unless they were killed by some animal, or another civilization." He adds.

"How long have you been away from them?" Phil asks. "If you don't mind answering."

"Oh no, of course." Aimsey says. "It might have been... five years?" They says, counting under their breath.

"Yeah, probably something like that." Freddy says. "No real concept of what day it is. The people we were with didn't really... believe (?) in time and dates. They were weird."

"That's why we left." Aimsey says.

"We didn't leave immediately. It wasn't like a 'pack your things and run' type of thing, it was a pack the essentials, let's see if they go looking for us, hide out in the brush, 'oh they don't even notice we're gone, they're moving on, to the next campsite, we're free. Type of thing." Freddy says.

"Yeah... it was a relief that they didn't notice we were gone and also not very nice... like at least if we had just run, we wouldn't have known wether they cared or not but Freddy insisted we stay to see." Aimsey says.

"We mutually agreed to stay and see." Freddy argues back.

"Yeah, after you persuaded me to." Aimsey says.

"Well it's better to know than to be left worrying about wether they're worried or not." Freddy says.

"Okay... this seems like a conversation for another time..." Phil says, seeing the building tension between the two. He was familiar with lasting tension with a loved one, his own... well, adopted, son hasn't fully trusted him in a while because of something he'd done... Phil shakes the thought from his head before it can start snowballing.

"So you're only a year or two older than me. Cool." Tommy says. "We can be friends maybe. Or maybe Fundy would be a better friend given the closer age, but then again our age gap isn't that large..."

"Don't hurt yourself thinking too hard, mate." Phil says.

"Fuck off." Tommy says after a pause of trying to understand the joke his father had made.

"How old are you guys?" Aimsey asks.

"I'm sixteen, Ranboo is twelve, Tubbo is fourteen, Toua is ten, and Phil is an old man, no age needed to know that." Tommy says, poking at a wrinkle on Phil's forehead.

"I only have those because you're a handful and a half." Phil says, pushing Tommy's hand away from his face.

"I am not a handful. I'm very well behaved and am very independent." Tommy says.

"Are you sure you're not having an identity crisis and thinking you're Ranboo?" Phil jokingly asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey-" Tommy says, faking a hurt expression.

The front door of the bakery opens and the young president walks in on new clothes and dried hair.

"I'm here." He says, only slightly out of breath. "Are you ready for the continued tour?"

"Yeah." Aimsey says.

"Wait- the president is fourteen years old?" Freddy asks, finally putting two and two together, a shocked expression on his face.

"Yeah, I was Vice President under the last president but then he died and I became president." Tubbo says, suppressing a shiver at the thought of his brother.


"And now we'll introduce you two to the temporary residents of The Lands." Tubbo says after having done a full tour and even introducing them to the people who's houses they had come across.

"These are the only rental houses in The Lands. You can live in any of the empty houses or buy a plot of land and build your own house, although it'd be complicated given you don't know your exact age..." Tubbo says. "Although you could live right outside The Land's boarders like Fundy does and not have to deal with the homeowner laws."

"Anyways..." he continues. "Techno, Dream, and Toua, and I think Foolish is living here too, are staying in this rental house until they get a few things figured out. They actually live a long ways away in a cabin."

Tubbo walks up to the door and knocks, patiently waiting for an answer.

Techno is the one who opens the door, not looking particularly delighted by the new comers being at his door step. "Hello." He greets dully.

"Hey, Techno. These are the two new people that Phil brought back with him." Tubbo says, stepping aside so there was a clearer view of the two.

"This is Aimsey, and this is Freddy." The president says, gesturing to either one when their name was said.

"Hi." Aimsey says with a little wave.

"Hey." Freddy says.

"Who's it?" Dream asks, coming up behind Techno and leaning his masked face on the hybrid's shoulder.

"Hi, Dream." Tubbo says with a smile, waving. "This is Aimsey and Freddy. Phil brought them here to potentially live in The Lands."

"Cool." Dream says. "I'm Dream." He adds, stepping around Techno and extending a hand for a handshake, feeling happy at the fact that he wasn't the only one who didn't know these people.


~aye yo! Building a consistent upload check•.\ hopefully I can keep up the Wednesday and Sunday upload schedule. I have a lot more free time now that I don't have to be worrying about school (not doing traditional schooling and probably getting a GED instead but we'll see). I hope you enjoyed :)

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