You're not invited :(

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~...TW->a bit of self depreciating 'thoughts' at the end kind of like false blame.


"Hello?" Techno asks when a somewhat unfamiliar face shows up at the front door.

"Hello." He says with a smile, swiping his hair out of his face where it had fallen when the door had opened very quickly after knocking, almost as if Techno had been waiting at the door.

There's a silence, an awkward one, when the person says nothing more.

"Oh- yeah. I'm here on behalf of the king to deliver a message, as the new royal messenger." The person adds the last part as a little brag, but doesn't come off as cocky, just someone trying to make a joke.

"And that message is...?" Techno asks. Clearly this 'new royal messenger' hadn't had much training.

"There is to be held a royal ball at the castle this Sunday evening and all are welcome." They say very formally, even deepening their voice to sound more official.

"A royal ball?" Techno asks, brows furrowing.

"Yes, a royal ball. The attire is to be formal and elegant. The king has emphasized the elegant part." The royal messenger says.

"Omg noooooo, Dark's up to no good. Of course he is, when isn't he. He must be controlling Eret, one hundred percent. Yeah, why else would Eret hold a 'royal ball' in the middle of an internal crisis. Is Dark really a crisis? YES! Okay... just checking. That voice wants to fuck Dark! I do not! Stop saying I want to fuck things! But it's true. Yeah you ask weird questions and say sus things. Guys, shut up. That voice's want or un-want to 'fuck things' isn't important right now. They've got a point. Yeah... as much as I hate to admit it, reasonable voice does have a point. Thank you."

"Hello?" The person asks, still standing in front of Techno, bringing the piglin hybrid back to reality.

"I'm guessing you know something is up at the castle since you work there.?" Techno says to which the person nods. "Good. Don't let on that I am here or that I am going to this royal ball. Pretend I don't exist, don't even think of me or this place. This is serious stuff and you don't want to be getting in the middle of it."

"Yes, sir." The person says, looking scared, and rightfully so.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Techno says.

"It's fine... I'm Velvet, by the way." The messenger says, extending a hand towards Techno. "We've met before but you seemed like you didn't know who I was so..."

Techno nods, suddenly remembering why this person was slightly familiar, and shaking his outstretched hand.


"Who was that?" Dream asks as soon as Techno turns around from closing the door.

Techno jumps slightly at the masked individual's sudden appearance and closeness of said appearance.

"When'd you get here?" Techno asks.

"Just now, I just woke up from a nap and heard voices down here so I came to check it out but then you were already closing the door." Dream says, rambling a bit.

Techno realizes how messed up Dream's hair is at the moment after hearing the 'nap' part of the rambles.

"So that's where you've been." Techno says, starting to walk past Dream, just to get away from the door a bit.

"Yep. Were you looking for me?" Dream asks in a suggestive way.

Techno raises an eyebrow, leaning his shoulder against the wall between the entryway and the kitchen.

"Just wondered where you were." Techno says, smiling and also leaning his head against the wall.

"So, who was it?" Dream asks, leaning his own shoulder against the wall, facing Techno.

"Velvet, he works at the castle. The new royal messenger." Techno says.

"Ooo... what 'royal message' did we receive?" Dream asks. "And are the others here right now?"

"No, they're out and about." Techno says, to which Dream nods, taking off his mask and letting it hang off of his fingers by the strap.

"There's going to be a 'royal ball' at the castle this Sunday." Techno says, sounding a bit sad as he says it.

Dream looks down at his hands, hiding a frown that had found his lips.

"I'm guessing I can't go..." he says, fiddling with the strap that looped around his fingers.

Techno doesn't say anything at first, thinking of the right thing to say.

"I'm afraid not..." he opts for. "I'm sorry. I really wish you could but it's dangerous enough for anyone to be going and I don't want to put you in danger." Techno says, brushing his fingers against Dream's a few times in a comforting manner.

Dream is silent for a while. "I get it. I just wish it wasn't this way."

"Come here." Techno says, opening his arms in a hug motion.

Dream takes the few steps forward in order to reach Techno and bonks his forehead against Techno's chest.

"Look what you did, Techno. You made him sad. Why do you have to be so truthful. You could have lied to him and not told him about the ball. Then what would I say on Sunday? Huh? Guys, Techno has a point. Don't put him down for doing a good thing."


~I'm excited to write about this suspicious royal ball *evil smile*. Anyways, I have a twitter, @ venn_does_stuff. I have some cool quality content over there, and maybe if y'all follow me there I'll post when updates will be up and not you know. So there are benefits. Hope you enjoyed:)

Part 2 Remember ~Dreamnoblade~Where stories live. Discover now