His soft eyes searched mine for a moment, the two of us sitting in silence as the soft chatter in the diner filled around us along with the song continuing on the speakers.

"She's a Killer Queen. Gunpowder, gelatine. Dynamite with a laser beam. Guaranteed to blow your mind anytime. Recommended at the price. Insatiable an appetite."

"Sometimes I feel like we did ruin it." Harry muttered. "I can't help but think you'd be so much better off without us– Happier."

It breaks my heart in more ways than one that he would ever think that. I hate that he feels as though he ruined my life, or that he thinks that I would be happier without his family in my life.

That I would be happier without him.

I know how much I miss Chloe, and I feel the ache in me everyday from the lack of her in my life. But I would be lying if I said that this last near two months haven't been the happiest that I have ever been.

I know it's dumb and it seems selfish, impossible nearly. But I've just been... happy.

"I don't want you to think that." I shook my head, my fingers tightening around his. "You guys have given me everything and more. I promise that you haven't ruined my life, Harry. I'm happy."

"I j—"

"What are you two whispering about?" The chair sliding out from beside me caused me to pull my eyes away from Harry to look at Niall moving to sit down next to me.

"We weren't whispering." Harry grumbled as I pulled my hand reluctantly away from his.

Niall nudged my shoulder with his own, a playful smirk on his lips. "Haven't you heard, secrets don't make friends?"

"Says the one that kept secrets from me for the first month I was living with him." I narrowed my eyes with a teasing tone so that he would know I was joking.

Niall let out a scoff as he stuffed a bit of chicken into his mouth. "Any secrets I have kept from you are to protect you."

I shrugged before picking up my glass of lemonade, "Who's to say that I'm not keeping you safe by not telling you what we were whispering about?"

Niall laughed, his head shaking as he reached for his fork laying on the table. "You shoot a gun a few times and suddenly you're a badass now?"

"Hey, don't act like she didn't save all of our asses at that event." Louis chimed in from where he sat next to Harry, across the table from Niall. "If it wasn't for Rori they probably would have blown our tires and killed us on the side of the road."

"Well that's a bit bloody dramatic." Harry cocked his head back, his attention now on Louis. "I had another gun in the glove compartment."

"Oooh, one gun. Our fuckin' savior." Louis rolled his eyes as he turned his attention back to his plate.

"You're welcome for saving your life, again, by the way." Harry narrowed his eyes. "Seems you've forgotten that I drove you out of that mess."

Louis scoffed, his fork clattering down to the table with his eyebrows shot straight up. "I had to sit on Niall's lap the whole fuckin' way to the hotel. You think I can forget something like that?"

"Oh so it's my fault that my car wasn't adequate enough for you to—"

"Would you both shut up?" Thalia called from the end of the table. "We're having fun today. We are not talking about this right now."

I tried to suppress my laugh as both Harry and Louis turned back to look at their plates, both of them furiously stabbing at random things with their forks as if they were children who had just been scolded by their mother.

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