This feels so strange— so surreal.

How does this feel so... easy? It shouldn't feel easy. I should have never even been able to grab my gun. I should be cowering away in fear and answering any of their questions. I should be compliant and trying my best to be as "behaved" as I can be.

I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be able to do this. And it definitely shouldn't feel as freeing as it does.

"You're fast." Chris commented, my eyes still staying on Todd's. "And you're smart. I like that."

"Why don't you put that thing away before you hurt yourself." Todd snapped at me suddenly.

I only smiled.

"I think she's proven enough to you, Todd. I wouldn't push your luck with her." I could see from my peripheral vision as Chris turned his head back to face towards me. "Now the only question is, could she actually use it?"

My heart began beating faster. It hasn't been at a normal pace since entering this building and I'm sure now in this stare off it's due to adrenaline. But at Chris' words I felt panic set in as well.

"It's one thing to be able to draw a gun and point it at someone, but it's another thing entirely to be able to use it." Chris spoke lowly, my pulse increasing with each word. "Would you use it with the intent to harm... or would you use it with the intent to kill? See, Todd wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet between your eyes. He's done it before and he'll do it again. He'd go home tonight and sleep as though it never happened— He'd probably never even think of you again." There was a brief pause before he spoke once more. " But you, Rori... Could you do that? Could you take a life? Could you be the reason that he won't see another sunrise, or be the reason that his wife and kids will never see him again? Could you do that to another person?"

"It doesn't matter if she can, because I'll do it for her. And afterwards we'll go home together as if it never happened and I'll be the one to never spare another thought towards Todd." A weight felt as if it were pulled off of my chest as I heard a familiar voice nearing my left side. "And if we're all being honest now, all of us know Todd has no family. No one would mourn him."

"Hello, son." Chris' voice shifted as he addressed Harry, "We were just getting to know each other. That's all."

"I didn't ask for an explanation." Harry spat as his body shifted next to mine, his side brushing against me as he stood with his body partially in front of my own.

I could see that Harry too had a gun extended out towards Todd, both of us standing together with our eyes locked on the same target if need be.

"Why don't we all put the guns away, hm? I'm sure no one would like our guests to panic." Chris offered, his tone sounding... sweet, almost.

"Go ahead, Todd. Lower your gun." Harry spoke lowly.

Todd let out a scoffing laugh, "What, so you can blow my head off the first chance you get? Not bloody likely, kid."

"You'd do good to remember that I am still your superior. So go ahead and lower your gun before I put a bullet through your fuckin' skull." Harry snapped back quickly.

I could see the hesitation in Todd's face as he weighed over his options. His eyes flicked between Harry and I, both of us having our guns still pointed at him.

I still don't understand how the line of power works exactly. I know that Harry said that he doesn't hold any power yet since his dad is still alive, but I suppose he could have meant he doesn't have any power in controlling the families. I guess that would make more sense than no authority at all since Harry's reminder of Todd's position below him did seem to take an effect on the situation.

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