"WHAT THE HELL UNCLE ELM?!" Arrow shouts at him. As if he hadn't heard her, he continues about his office in a frenzy, smashing his fist into the wall. His face scrunches in pain, fists pushing against the wall as he groans.

Watching him, Arrow realizes the pain he was reacting to wasn't from attacking the wall.

"ELMANN!" She shouts out to him again, this time getting his attention.

Elmann abruptly turns to face her, Arrow now getting a good look at his disheveled appearance. Sweating profusely, clothes wrinkled and torn, and self-inflicted scratches on his neck. As she looks at her him, her eyes zero in on his. Before she could pinpoint with certainty the difference, he closes them - Running a hand down his face.

"Arrow, dear," He begins, slightly out of breath. "Sorry, you had to see me like that. A little pent-up frustration and stress is all."

"I'd say it's more than just a little,"  Arrow comments in return, her eyes studying Elmann with intensity.  She notices that his eyes didn't meet hers, looking everywhere else instead. "What's going on with you?" She asks.

"I've already told you. Did you come for something?" He says in return.

"Wyatt Conner."

"Yes, I've heard," He responds with a sigh. "A threat to deal with. I am looking into it, personally.  You won't need to involve yourself further."


"I have it all under control." He interrupts.

"This is you having it all under control?" Arrow rebuts gesturing at the room. At her sentence she hears the creak of wood, her eyes darting to the source of the sound -  The desk underneath Elmann's hold.

Arrow's expression goes from shock to confusion in a millisecond. Her uncle was in great shape, yes, but there was no way he should be able to damage the desk like that.

Seeing where her focus lay, Elmann releases the desk and clasps his hands together. "This issue is something I have to deal with personally Arrow. I don't want anyone else handling this situation."

"I could get that but why not me? You don't trust me, Uncle Elmann?" Arrow replies with a tilt of her head, her tone provoking.

Elmann shuts his eyes tightly as if trying to complete himself. "It's not about that Arrow. But as the one in charge, I have to take care of these things."

"And do I not have a say in matters of the organization?" She asks in return.

"Since whenever did you want a say? I had to call you back. Convince you even." Elmaan rebuts.

Arrow raises a brow at him but he holds up his hand before she could say anything further. "I'm dealing with this situation, Arrow. End of discussion. Do not fight me on this."

"You're basically saying I have no say in the matters of the organization and that's not true, Uncle Elmann." Arrow carries on.

Elmann lets out a frustrated groan, the sound resembling a growl in Arrow's ear.

"This conversation is far from over," She says to him, not caring she was pushing his buttons.

"Well, it's over for now then! You may leave!" He says angrily.

Arrow doesn't make a move to leave, instead folding her arms across her chest. "I'VE DISMISSED YOU, ARROW!" Elmann shouts at her, his hands yanking his hair in the process. 

"You need to tell me what the hell is going on with you. Because if this is how you're functioning, there's no way you're in the right state to investigate Wyatt Conner's death." Arrow argues.

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